Tuesday, November 30, 2010


New Obstacle for Tough Mudder. Oh boy, this is going to be fun!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tough Mudder Austin

I signed up to run the Tough Mudder in January! I am pretty excited about this challenge. It will be 9 miles of fun.I am also trying to raise money for The Wounded Warrior Project. I feel that we need to do what we can to help those that have been injured serving our Country. http://www.active.com/donate/ToughMudderTexas2011/britts

I have 62 days to prepare for for the Tough Mudder. I hate to run, so that is not really a large part of my preparations. I am working on Swings(doubles) and Get Ups as my main training tools. I am working towards 45 minutes of swings. I figure that will be really conducive to the strength endurance required to do well. I am also working towards 45 minutes of Get Ups. I am using fairly heavy weights to accomplish  the mission.Last Night was a 15 minute session of double 32's along with pistols and pullups. Today will be a 20 minute get up session coupled with Farmers walks. I am also working corrections for the Active Straight Leg Raise and Shoulder Mobility issues I am dealing with. The corrections are working really well.

I am going to post my training for the event on the blog fairly regular as well as what I need to hit next week. Pushing my times up by 5 minutes is in the works for next week.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Thanksgiving is a favorite Holiday at my house. It is always great to have family and friends over for the gorging that occurs. there is something fun about stuffing your face and dropping into a food coma with people you are close with. What a great bonding experience, Family, Food, Football and Fun! Enjoy the day. Make it your 20% time if you follow the Primal/Paleo eating style. I am not going totally overboard, but I am going to enjoy myself. I like to follow the 80/20 rule. I think that the 20% allows me to not feel guilty or bad about myself. The guilty or bad feelings about how and what we eat are a part of what occurs in eating disorders. I want to be healthy and live a long time. I do not want to be always in a panic because of how I am eating, what I am eating or if it is right or wrong. We have to eat, it should be enjoyable, it should be in moderation and it should bring families together. So eat, drink and enjoy life... but come visit me Friday for a Turkey Burn!

Having said all of that, I will be avoiding the grains for Thanksgiving. I have found that I do much better without them in my diet. I had some pizza, and I actually developed skin irritations the next morning. So for me the bread/grain products are not a guilt, they actually affected me as an allergen. So goodbye to grain, unless it is a Birthday.

What am I going to eat for Thanksgiving, lots of awesome stuff. Meat, veggies, nuts, salads and even a little pecan pie. I will avoid the pie crust, but I am a Texan and Pecan Pie should be the National Pie of Texas!(Texas being it's own country after all)

Have a great Thanksgiving and remember what we are celebrating and Who we are thanking!

Quick Note - Please give back to those that have helped secure our freedom to celebrate. I am collecting donations for The Wounded Warrior Project as part of the Tough Mudder Texas. I did not want to embed the link so that you know it is legitimate.  http://www.active.com/donate/ToughMudderTexas2011/britts

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thanksgiving Classes, December 4th Workshop etc

It has once again been a really busy time period for me, so posts drop off. We are up and running really well at BTS, just about everything is in place to allow us to have the best training possible at our place. We have been running lots of classes, but we are really looking at kicking off the New Year with some really great programs and workshops. Please keep watching this blog for more! I am also working on in depth articles on all aspects of training, nutrition, martial arts etc.

December 4th Kettlebell and Combatives Seminar

The deadline is fast approaching for this great workshop. It is less than two weeks away and registration closes on Monday, December 29th. I only have a few slots available.

We will be working on an alternating schedule of an hour of RKC skills and an hour of combative skills.No matter what martial arts style you train in, we can show you how to improve your personal skill set.

A great bonus is that every Attendee will have the opportunity to receive and Functional Movement Screen and corrective homework if necessary. That alone is worth $100.00.

So for the price of $75 you will be receiving lots of great training!

Black Friday, November 26th

We will hold a workout at 3pm on Black Friday to help burn off some of the Turkey Gut that might have developed. we are asking that everyone that attends brings canned goods to be donated to Rockwall Helping Hands.

After Thanksgiving Program

We will be running an after Thanksgiving special. It will be announced on Wednesday. If you are a new client, or want to be one, contact us for a consult and you will receive a massive discount...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Last Day for Early Bird special and a New Toy

There is still room in our December 4th Kettlebell and Martial Arts Seminar. The $50.00 early bird price is good till tomorrow morning when I wake up. The seminar will teach Kettlebells and how to incorporate them into your system. We will teach, Joint Mobility, Breathing, Swings, Get Ups and other skills. We will also show how everything taught is already part of your system. Every participant will also receive a Functional Movement Screen and any needed correctives homework. You will be surprised at how it improves your skills and techniques.

On another awesome note we have a new toy! It was built by Outlaw Custom Welding. They did an awesome job and build to order. It is 4x6 with two 8 ft bars, one 7ft and one 6ft bar for different size people. There is even space for the TRX. I was even able to specify bar diameters. Great prices and great service. I will not use anyone else for welding.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

December 4th Workshop

Britt's Training Systems is holding a workshop on December 4th showing you how to improve your martial arts skills with body weight and kettlebells. Every Attendee will also recieve an FMS screening.

The seminar will run from 10am-5pm with a lunch break. Class size is limited to 12 and Pregistration is required.

Sign up by Monday November 15th and the class is $50.00 After that the price will increase to $75. sign up below.
More info later today.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I recently attended CK-FMS in St. Paul. It was an incredible class with amazing instructors. I think the importance of a class can often be determined by those that attend. The skill and knowledge and accomplishments of the students was absolutely mind boggling. Dan John, Yoana Snideman, Lauren Brooks, Geoff Neupert, Robert Budd, Steve Friedes, Dustin Rippetoe and many many more. This is a group of people that have paid the RKC dues and are Sr. RKC's, Team Leaders and world famous coaches. I was honored to be there and work with such a high caliber of Coach.

Brett Jones and Gray Cook were absolutely two of the best instructors that I have had the opportunity to learn from. The depth of knowledge of each individual is incredible. Together they are an encyclopedia of movement and how to make it better. They were able to teach the information in such a way that even the slow kids, me< were able to follow and use the information that they freely gave. They went above and beyond  what was listed as points in the paperwork and taught much more then the advertisement stated.

CK-FMS is a workshop that you must attend if you are an RKC. I feel that I did my clients wrong by not having this tool in my belt. It is a life changing skill set. In five minutes of correctives, I was able to start on the  right path to shoulder mobility. My shoulder mobility was horrendous prior to attending the workshop. i was not sure how bad it was. That is the beauty of the FMS Screen it allows you to put  a rate and ranking on the individual patterns. I was a "1" on shoulder mobility on the first day. On day 2, we started on level 1 corrections that are simple. I  regained four inches of shoulder mobility in five minutes and moved to a 2 on the scale. My shoulder mobility was so awful that at an RKC Recert, I was in danger of not passing due to the military press. I was unable to fully extend and lock out at the top. Geoff Neupert was my tester at that RKC. When I was performing my military press at this workshop, Geoff came over and watched m as. I nailed the press. Geoff told me that he was impressed by how clean and precise my military press was and how hard I have worked at correcting it. A day earlier and it would have sucked! If five minutes can make a difference for me, think what it could do for others.

I am currently running all of my clients through screens. I have time slots available if anyone else wants a screen. just contact me through the blog or http://www.brittstrainingsystems.com/ It can make a difference in your training that you would not believe.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010