Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sept. 26, 2007

Rough day physically. I had allergies and performed demo's for 2 hours this morning.

I taught a Shen Chuan class in the garage tonight and had a good night. I always see ways that kettlebells help in techniques and tools that we use. Shen Chuan has a lot of kenpo strikes in it. I love the striking style as it is so fluid as we practice it. The relaxed tension and tightening that the Russian Kettlebell Challenge program teaches fits perfectly with what we do. The rapid, fluid strike with tightening on impact is accentuated through kettlebells. It causes the strike to at least double in power with no loss of speed. Starting with JKD, Dan Inosanto is a KB'er, that relaxation until impact has been talked about and worked on by numerous systems and fighters. I believe that by training lots of swings and snatches, you develop the power without sacrificing any speed.

Just a quick note for tonight.

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