I think that Cable News Channels are not the best thing out there for entertainment. My wife will certainly disagree as it is her relaxation vice. But is it really relaxing? Does Cable News do anything positive for society?
I really feel that the News does nothing but really spread despair and discontent throughout the world. The old cliche, "If it bleeds, it leads, " is so much more obvious in today's world. The News channels are having to fill the airwaves 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. there is so much competition that they have to outdo each other with the goriest thing they can find. they all try to upstage the others with their breaking news alerts and get the information out there. From what I have seen lately, they just get on and say, "Nothing new to report, OJ is still in jail. Britney is still crazy and now buying pregnancy tests."
The other issue that I see with headline news is their constant reports on missing people. Unfortunately people have gone missing since the beginning of time. I hate that people are killed and never located. Cable News would have you believe that every woman in America is one step out of her house from disappearing. Cable News causes people to live in fear. They are worried about kidnapping, murder and general crimes against them.
The world is not as bad as the News People make it out to be. I think that the constant beating that Cable News shows inflict on us, make the world seam like a scary place. It does not have to be. Be aware of your surroundings and take responsibility for your safety, and the chances that you are assaulted drop. You can also take a break from the news and see how much better you feel.
Just a rant from someone that does not think that we need to live in fear.
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