Friday, July 24, 2009

Class Opportunity

It is pretty interesting how many people are teaching kettlebells lately. I was recently told about a new local program in my area. I was even given a flyer for the class. It is being held at a location that I had an earlier opportunity to teach at. I have had numerous offers and chances to teach kettlebells in my area. I have always resisted teaching because of Amazing Athletes and my desire to spend time with my family.

I love kettlebells and the RKC. Kettlebells and Pavel helped me transform my body and my way of life. I teach kettlebells to a only few people because they have the same passion as I do. That does not mean that I have not worked with others, I have worked with people that were determined to teach kettlebells without the proper training. I did not want anyone to be hurt. They were going to teach anyway, so at least I was hoping to help people downstream.

What does this have to do with this post? I really was struck by the tag line of the flyer, "It is not about perfection. It's about progress." I think that is the wrong way to look at it. Progress occurs as you strive for perfection. That is the beauty of the RKC. It is a school of strength were perfection is part and parcel of the methods and tools. The RKC is one of the few training programs were you can fail. If you fail you do not receive your certification, pretty plain and simple The RKC is also 3 days of hard work and learning. The RKC is not some easy, "gimme" certification. That is why I believe in it. It is earned through hard work and a drive for perfection. Why do something if you are not striving for perfection. You are training to be the best you can, not just making a small improvement. If you are not striving perfection, what is your measuring stick? The search for perfection is a way to determine long range plans and goals. That search is what drives and keeps you motivated and on track for your journey.

Once again, what does this have to do with this post? I am going to start a regular class/series on September 1st, in Rockwall. I am going to start with a 6 week program on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings. Preregistration fee is 150.00 for individuals and 225.00 for two. The early registration price is good until August 15th after that the price will go up to $200 and $275.00 Please contact me for information at I will be putting up online registration in the next couple of days.

Contact me if you have any questions or want to preregister.

1 comment:

Boris T said...

"Progress occurs as you strive for perfection."

Very nice, I like that. I would say that there are many school of training and thought. I wish you good luck with our classes.