Thursday, October 21, 2010

One day till CK-FMS!

It has been a whirlwind 2 months. We have been running like crazy since August, starting with Amazing Athletes new school year prep and ending up with our gym. It has been exciting and scary at the same time. If it was not for the support of my wife and family, I would have been lost.

Since August, I have been in a car wreck that banged my shoulder and neck up, attended the Summit of Strength, expanded Amazing Athletes, opened our facility, and have dealt with all of the assorted "have to do's" for everything. The car wreck messed up my training for two weeks and at SOS, I pushed harder than I should have. My shoulder locked up pretty tightly. That coupled with everything else going on might have made a slight impact on my training for RCK Snatch Test recert... I will pass it, if only because I refuse to fail!

I have had 3-4 good training weeks where I have focused on the snatch test. I was hitting 80-90 snatches  consistently at the start of the cycle. Tore my hand up, but continued to hover close to where I was supposed to be for the time. My hand got bad enough that I went to high pulls as the main training tool. I got to where I was hitting 140 High pulls in 5 minutes. My shoulder locked up this week due to stress and I was forced to modify to swings.I decided to work hip snap with swings. Lots of Beast swings on a 20, 15, 10, 5 rep scheme as well as extra sets of 10 where the order of the day.

I feel that I am ready, because failure sucks!

Will try to update while I am at CK-FMS, but no promises, especially since I can't keep up now.

Class schedule for the next week: Class at 5:30 on Friday and 6 on Monday. No class on Saturday or Tuesday.

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