So many things to do, see and be, sometimes it is hard to sit down and actually write anything. I just need to work a little more on time and project management. The people that know me well have heard about my Amazon bill. I read anything and everything, from Autobiographies to Zombies. (there are some really good zombie stories out there!)
I am currently reading Easy Strength by Dan John and Pavel. This is probably the greatest book on developing strength ever produced. If I had this book and information when I was buying crap like “Beef It” back in the day, I would have trained better at an earlier age. The book shows you how to train to be strong safely and effectively. While the title says Easy Strength, you still have to put in the work, but the gains are almost miraculous. Just playing with some of the principles in the last week, I put up double 88’s with no problems. It has been about two years since I went that heavy and I actually can see the Beast in my future.
My plan over the next 40 days, starting 11-7, is to follow Dan John’s 40 Day Program. I am headed to RKCII in the spring and I feel that this will be a great start. I have been working Program Minimum for the most part for the last year and needed a change. Due to injury I had to bail from World’sToughest Mudder and had lost some focus. I will be working on Pistols, Deadlifts, Presses, Snatch, and Pull Ups, some of my skills that need some help. I think that this plan, coupled with corrections and ankle mobility work will get me to a really good place for my next training phase for RKC2.
I will update as I go on what happens. I am going to make a base assessment in the morning so that I have a starting point to improve on.
I am currently looking at basing part two around Return of The Kettlebell, but will include Grease the Groove pistols, and windmills. I am also hoping to train with Dustin Rippetoe RKCTL and MRKC Jeff O’Connor, so have the ability to drop what I am planning and following their thoughts. It is always good to have someone else eyeball your program and skills.
We are going to hold an HKC here in March. I am talking to Sr. RKC Jon Engum about that now. We are also going to participate in Pushups For Charity again this year. Lot of stuff, thank goodness I am able to focus on this side of things now.
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