Monday, February 16, 2009

Better Late Then Never

The group workout went really well this last Saturday. It was the first workout in two weeks due to me not feeling well the weekend before. I ended up taking a week off to recover and started back last week myself. The group workout was 1 minute work, 1 minute rest.

Tactical Lunge
Military press alternating sides
Military press

We finished off with 2 minutes of snatches just for fun!

My workouts were OK last week. I decided to hit VO2 Max again using the 24kg. I am on a 6 rep pace for now. Last week was 20 sets. I hit strength with light press, double squat and pullups and medium weight on my next strength day only doing 3 sets of 3 reps.

Tonight I hit 30 sets of 6 reps and will hit my heavy strength day with the 40kg's.

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