This is my second attempt at this particular entry. The last entry that was posted was in August. I have had to sit back and evaluate a lot of different things in my business and my training. i refocused on the business and have been driving forward to increase my schools and my students. August through September are always super busy and I had to let some things hang on the sidelines for a little while. The blog was one of them.
I do not teach kettlebells or martial arts as a main business at this time. I continue to run a class and teach individually here and there, but Amazing Athletes is my main focus. I always make openings when I can for training people and will continue to do so. I enjoy teaching and helping others whenever I can.
My own training has been in flux also. I have played with lots of reps and sets and few reps and sets over the last few months. I find that I need to stay around the 5 x 5 program. It allows me to continue to train and improve around my business. I have days that i will run with children for up to 6 hours in a day. That much training takes a toll and pushes me towards burnout and over training really quickly, especially if I am working on Viking Warrior Conditioning and 80 sets of 8. I also like using heavy weights.
I have decided to really work on hitting the blog at least once or twice a week. I am expanding the range of topics from kettlebells and martial arts to includes children's health, politics etc. I guess we will see how it goes.
y workout over the last two weeks or so has been swings and Get Ups. It is hard to beat the basics. It is a four day a week program. Swings are 10 x 10 left and right hand on one day and 5 minutes of get ups on the other day.
The group workout was a tabata based program for 15 rounds. we hit swings, body weight squats, pushups and clean and press. While it was not a strict tabata due to the grinds, it was pretty intense. I worked along with everyone and was tired. I really enjoyed it as the group increases the energy level.
Very nice blog Paul. I enjoyed your overview of your own workout. Your remarks on the progression of the group was interesting as it showed me that you are truly paying attention to the our specific physical characteristics and performance.
Very nice blog Paul. I enjoyed your overview of your own workout. Your remarks on the progression of the group was interesting as it showed me that you are truly paying attention to the our specific physical characteristics and performance.
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