Monday, November 9, 2009

New Program

I have been using the Swing and Get up as my two main exercises for quite a long time and have decided to work with a new program for a few weeks. I will be working off a Mahler program for explosiveness and strength. This is partly to just do something different and partly because I am pretty thin, or so I have been told.

The new program is from Mike Mahler's Aggressive Strength Solutions. I figure that I can follow this for about 4 weeks or so before the next change. I have also ordered Pavel's newest, Return of The Kettlebell. I look forward to following that program for a while. It should correspond well with the RKC II certification. I will be headed to it next summer! I hope to attend CK-FMS after that. I had to think pretty hard about which to attend first. I have more time to train and save if I do it this way.

this is the first two days of what I am working on. I am looking at building explosive strength. I am not using heavy kettlebells for this. I am using 53's for this part and will use some heavier for Thursday and Friday.

Workout on Monday

Quick Clean and Press
8 x 3

Hang Snatch
6 x 3 left and right

Renegade Row

2 x 5


Explosive Lunge
8 x 3

Double swing

6 x 3

Get Up
2 x 3

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