It is the Sunday after Thanksgiving and the gluttony is almost over! I ate like a pig for about four days, but saying that, I did try to be a little more moderate than I have in the past. It worked out pretty well for the most part. I think I only gained 100 pounds or so. I think the weekend opened my eyes to my lack of a good eating plan. I try to eat fairly moderate meals the majority of the time. It does not always work, but nothing works all of the time.
I have looked at the Warrior Diet in the past and tried it for a week. It was not an enjoyable experience for me as I felt sick as a dog the entire time. This article by mc at Begin to Dig is the best look at that system I have seen. I found it as I was reviewing the Warrior Diet to try it again. His Blog is incredible for all of his writings! It showed me why it is not a good choice for me. So along with going back to the drawing board for my training, it is time to fix my eating also.
I really need to go back to eating clean, fresh and organic foods. The entire house ate this way for a long time with great results. It takes a concerted effort to do so as we have lots of activities and seem to be on the road a lot. We have a fund raiser at Chili's tomorrow. that should be fun to figure out how to eat well.That might mean eating food brought from the house during the day and stopping at Sprouts or Herbmart on the way home from the day to cook at the house.
I did train over the Holiday in Tulsa. I did 8 sets of 20 swings and active movement on 1 day and 5 minutes of Get Ups on another day. I also did lots of Joint Mobility, Wall Squats and Pumps to keep the damage to a minimum.
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