Saturday, November 21, 2009

Kettlebells And Martial Arts

This is a Dragon Door Clip, but it says what I believe. I have found very few things that go as well with martial arts and combatives as kettlebells. The movements, techniques and patterns mirror what you need for the fight.

I will be putting up videos after Thanksgiving with examples of how Shen Chuan and Kettlebells fit together like Peanut Butter and Jelly.

I have the opportunity to hit two Certs in 2010. I will be at RKCII and CK-FMS. I wish I had attended them earlier, but better late then never. To be ready, I will be setting my training up in a pretty firm block and will document everything starting in January.

We had a great group class this morning.


10 Swings, 20 Swings x 3 sets

10 Swings x 4 sets

Get ups

1 x 5 Naked

2 x 1 l,r,

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