I missed over a week of training due to being ill. That is par for the course when working with kids! There has been a really bad stomach bug in my area that lasts up to a week or more. I ended up sleeping for over 30 hours in a 48 hour period. I was so exhausted that I was unable to get out of bedto even get water. My hip and back locked up from being in the same sleep position for the entire time.
Tonight was my first attempt at training since getting sick. It went pretty well. I decided to do swings tonight. I grabbed the 32kg and did one hand swings for about 9 minutes. My hip flexor twinged a little, so I shut it down for the evening. The newest biggest deal is biofeedback and listening to your body, so I did. I will see what I feel like doing tomorrow night. I am pretty sure it will be get ups. I am looking at hitting a short cycle of Program Minimum to get back on track before attempting the Return of the Kettlebell Program. I hit all of the bench marks with the ETK and want to hit heavy stuff again.
I was training someone in martial arts tonight and was still amazed at how kettlebells and martial arts fit together. KB's are about correct natural movement and the best martial arts do the same. More to come on this topic.
Hope you're feeling better - just think of what it would be like trying to recover from an illness like that if you hadn't been conditoned in the first place. Not fun at all.
Being in good shape makes recovery of all sorts easier and faster. I also find that I am ill a lot less, unless I have over trained.
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