Friday, July 2, 2010

Thankful for great Founding Fathers

Just in case the weekend is busy... Take a second and review what transpired on July 4th, 1776. A large group of great men signed their name to a document like no other the world has ever see, before or after. We are the product of one of the greatest risks that the world has ever seen. Everyone signing the Declaration assumed that their life was on the line. Thank you to brillant, brave men that put it all on the line for us to celebrate by grilling and being with family.

Also, ask yourself if we are being served by the same caliber of people now. Liberal, Conservative or other, do the people you follow hold a candle to those that created our way of life? I see very few that measure up and hope that we as a nation can find our path again.

There should never be an apology for doing the right thing. I served my Country and love it deeply. It needs to have some better leadership on all sides.

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