Most people want to make excuses for everything instead of accepting responsibility for their issues, "I would exercise, but... I would make changes in my life, but..." Here is someone that is taking responsibility and moving forward. Do not make excuses, make solutions.
If there is something going on in your life that is not right, it is up to you to fix that problem. If you hate your job, why not find another one? No excuses, if it sucks, it needs to change. If you are not making enough money, find out how to make more. If you have to deliver pizzas, that at least is an active move towards your goals.
The more you read about making changes, the more you see that there is one sure way of reaching those goals. write them down. If you write your goals down in an active voice, "I am making $100,000 a year," versus "I want to make $100,000 a year," your chances of succeeding increase exponentially. It is all about taking responsibility for what you are and what you want. Personal responsibility prevents you from being a victim. That is because personal responsibility creates forward momentum. Try it and see.
Over the last week my workouts were:
2 hand swing 2 x 10 l,r w/88
1 hand swing 5 x 10 w/88
Rows 5 x 5 w/88
Clean and jerk 5 x 3 i,r w/88
Jump Shrugs 5 x 5 w/88's
getups 5 minutes with 100lb heavy bag.
This next week will be an active rest week as I start to dial in my goals for the next 6 weeks.