Here is a sign that there is something wrong in this country. We are a Nation that is overweight and that does not seem to want to make a change. We are teaching our kids the wrong nutritional and exercise habits. I know that everywhere that you look there is a new diet or new exercise tool out there that is guaranteed to work. The problem is that the tools are not used and the diets, if they are any good, are not followed. we teach our kids to sit around and be lazy. television, video games and the Internet are making us very soft. I know of kids that sit around for 8 hours or more on a bright sunny Saturday, playing video games inside. (no not mine) I remember my parents grabbing me by the belt and heaving me out the door with the admonishment to let them know where I was going. I do not remember any of my friends having a weight problem. I think it was hard to be fat when you were on the run from sun up to sun down.
My kids are outside right now, playing with all of the other kids in the neighborhood. One of them was out at 9 am and just wandered in for a glass of water, it is 4:00 in the afternoon. The water break lasted 1 minute and out the door again.
We do not have cable in every room and if they really want to watch something, we try to make it a group viewing. that cuts down on the time they watch, because who wants to hang out with parents all of the time.
Get the kids outside and off the media wagon. Do you want to teach them the right habits or have obese kids? The choice is yours, especially with the younger ones.
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