Monday, November 10, 2008

Past week

I see that I have not posted anything in a week. It has been pretty busy with life I guess. I am now trying to find a Cookie Manager for our Brownie Troop. I hopefully will find a brave soul.

I have continued with the VO2 max and 3 x 5 program over the last week. Today starts the 3rd week. I really feel pretty good, I can tell that I have lost some body fat. The nice thing is that I have not lost strength. I added reps to my heavy day on Military Presses and Squats. I hope that it progesses this week and next. I have not decided if I will change programs or take a back off week and move up in weight for VO2 Max. It really depends on how I feel.

The group workouts continue. We had a good group on Saturday. Our focus this week was learning the snatch. Everyone got it down pretty quickly and we are going to have a good workout this next week. I have my evil plan ready for the Thanksgiving/Christmas Holiday Feasts. If you want to eat, you will have to work!

I went out and did my workout after posting the intro. I could push a little harder for more reps, but I am really focusing on form. I am really locking the kettlebell down at the top of the snatch and sucking the shoulder down and locking the elbow out. I feel that the form is more important than the increase in reps. I am going to hit 50 sets on Thursday. I will stay at 7 until the lockdown is there for every rep. It does slow me down for now.

How to Snatch

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