I am on my second week of VO2 Max and loving it. I think that it is a great program to cycle through my training regime. I usually have a long term goal that I am shooting for and train throughout the year to reach that goal. I try not to skip around to much as I travel along that path. This year was a little different. I was trying to take the Beast Challenge and realized that maybe it was not in my best interest. I like to train heavy, but there is a point that where the outcome is not worth the troubles that occur. When doing Clean and presses with the 88 this summer, I ended up pulling something. It would not have worried me, but it was in the area of earlier injuries. I do not want to cause more damage to my body then absolutely neccessary.
I hit 41 this weekend and my long, long term goal is to be in as good of shape as Jack LaLanne at 94. It is a long way off, but that is the ultimate goal. I am working towards the RKC-FMS and trying to see if I can fix some issues. If I can, maybe I will get the Beast up for a Clean and Press.
Going back to the VO2 Max program. I think that is is a valuable training protocol. After 2 weeks, I feel a difference. It might be all in my head, but I seem to have more "go" power. I have been reading a lot of posts on www.Dragondoor.com about people trying to hit 100 sets of VO2 Max. More power to them. i do not think that it is where I need to go. There are quite a few people shooting for more sets that are over training and getting injured and ill. The recommended sets appears to be 40-50 sets and I do not think that 60 is to excessive. I think that you have to have a plan and a goal for your training. What would the purpose of 100 sets be? If it is just to do it, what are the risks versus benefits?
I guess I am just old now. I like the 40-50 sets and feel that at this point in my life, it is all I need. I have been down the path of over training to the point of sickness and injury. I spent 4 years away from training due to an injury. I was injured because I was stupid. I did not understand periodization. I did not realize that there was an ebb and flow to the body and to training. I went full out each and every time for years.
Maybe it was a good thing. It made me smarter about training. I started to search for better ways to reach my goals. That lead me to the RKC and Pavel. Truly life changing.
I truly believe in training smarter and harder and protecting my body.
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