Friday, October 31, 2008

Good week

I went from the ETK style workout to the VO2 Max this week. What a change. I only hit 24 sets on my first night, partly becuase it was 10:30 at night. It was a little intimidating at first even though I only had to hit 7 reps a cycle. The next day it felt like I was hit by a truck. I coulod really feel my posterior chain and core. I worked on 3 sets of 3-5 the next night to loosen up. It was the light night and I only used double 24kgs. I practiced squats, clean and presses and pullups.

I went ahead and hit 40 sets on my second workout. I really felt pretty strong and was not as intimidated. It went really well and I actually enjoyed it. I feel really good today and have lots of energy. I am going to skip the workout onight, which is supposed to be 32kgs for strength. It is Trick or Treat time. I will hit it tomorrow instead.

Time to take the kids out and eat badly. I can't wait.

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