Friday, May 23, 2008

Well worth watching the entire clip

Watching this video, I see all of the Joint Mobility Drills from Pavel, Maxwell and Sonnen in action. This was the coolest movement video I have ever seen.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Pretty Neat

Not to often that you get good tape of something like this. I have heard of it happening, but never saw it for real.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

It seemed like a good idea at the time!

I decided to have a variety day instead of my planned workout. I have been hitting the 106 for two weeks and doing a lot of martial arts and was a little tired.

I thought it would be cool to do some hand to hand work this weekend. I figured since I have been using the 106, the 88 would be a light workout.

The first exercise was kettlebell flip swings. The first couple left some large craters in the ground. I did start to get the hang of it. the next exercise was the hand to hand clean. The initial snap was pretty good, but catching the 88 in my open palm was a little struggle to say the least. I was able to hit three sets of three that looked reasonably clean. Once again, the holes got deeper in my yard during the "learning phase." I did three sets of figure 8's for 10 reps. I then hit the clean and Military press for singles. I performed 7 sets of singles for both left and right.

It was nice to change up the workout for a day. I still feel that I got a pretty good workout on. I though that there would be more carry over from the floor press to the military press, but I am pretty much in the same place as I was before.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I like short intense workouts

I really need to get a tire. I think that will be a great addition to my equipment list.


2 hand Swings 2 x 10 w/106

1 hand swings 4 x 10 w/106

explosive cleans 4 x 3 w/106

floor press 4 x 5 w/88

pistols 4 x 3 w/35

Jandas 4 x 5

The pistols have improved greatly. I think that it is due to having a counter weight. I hope to get three days of 4 sets this week.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saturday Fun

This video has circulated for years. I think that I first saw it in the Police Academy a long time ago. It is is a pretty good visual for being better to be luck than good. The bad guy could have been really dangerous and come out with a weapon. that is something that you have to think about when intervening in the defense of others. The blow is so telegraphed, that a bad guy that was not out of his mind with anger and whatever the drug of the day is, might have been caught with it. But it is always good to see what a brachial stun does when it is applied.

I saw a pathetic breaking demonstration recently in Lufkin. The "show" was pointless and the people missed about half their breaks. I do not get into breaking as it does not fit with the fluidity of Shen Chuan striking. I guess if this had been the show, it might not have been as bad.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Beast

Well, I decided to use the Beast for a change. It is a massive step up from the 88's. I started out somewhat slow with 3 sets of everything. I did not use the 106 for everything, as i was not able to yet. It is a different feeling. It was incredible hard to hold onto for swings. I do not like using a hook grip as I like to work my regular grab movement so my forearms were blasted. I will keep hitting it and adding sets and reps as I go.

2 hand swings 2 x 10 w/106
1 hand swings 3 x 10 l/r w/106
explosive cleans(from the ground) 3 x 3 w/106
floor press 3 x 3 w/88
pistols 3 x 3 w/35
jandas 3 x 5

I worked Relax into Stretch afterwards, but can feel the beating.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

New Batman trailer

'The Dark Knight' Trailer
'The Dark Knight' Trailer

Here is the newest trailer for the next Batman. Batman was my favorite superhero from the early days, (4 and 5). After watching this clip, I can see how it might have caused some nightmares for Heath Ledger.

This last week was an off week/active rest period for me. I pretty much ate badly and worked out very little. Tomorrow starts the new 6 week training period. I am going to continue going heavy and start using the 106 for swings at least. i am going to start hitting cleans with it as well.

I think that I will be on a 5 day plan for workouts, starting at 3 sets and working to 5.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Never underestimate the unseen strike. The upper cut is a great tool as it requires good hip movement to execute. It is also often not seen by the opponent as it comes from below, contouring the body.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Family Fun

There is nothing like getting the entire family on the exercise kick. I think that it is great that even the little boy wants to get into the fun. I think that one of the reasons that I really like training this way now is that it is pretty fun. There are so many things that you can do to add variety in your training. Heck, with ths style of training almost every rep is different.

There is such a great carryover from training like this versus standard "Gym" workouts. I really fell that I am able to deliver more power on demand than I was benching 400lbs. I also really feel better now than I did at 35 when I was pushing massive weights. Part of it is the fact that I am not pushing a weight in a strict plane. There is involvement of my entire muscle system. For my purposes, there is a ten fold benefit of kettlebell swings over bench press and curls any day. I am not working in isolation, but as one unit.