Monday, December 29, 2008

Early Start on the New Year

I started my New Year journey early as I usually do. I took the week of Christmas off as my year end break. I did nothing but pretty much eat badly and not workout at all. It was great and I felt pretty rested. I could tell that it was time to get back to work when I started getting antsy. I find that if i do not workout for an extended period I start to feel like crappola. Today was a VO2max day. I did not push to hard and hit 20 sets of 8 and 20 sets of 7 snatches. The week off hit me harder than I thought it would.

I am also setting my training goals for the year this week. While they are not set in stone, i have a few ideas of what i want to accomplish with my training. I really want to press the Beast. I have been able to to pullups and a Pistol and have one skill to master, the military press. I have gotten to the point where the 88 goes up pretty easily for reps. I am going to get it up.

I might be teaching at a fitness center locally. I have to meet with the fitness manager this week and see what is possible. While I love teaching kettlebells, i have to really focus on Amazing Athletes. It will be nice to have a home to run 4-6 week classes as wells as Seminars and self defense programs.

The group workout this week was pretty hard. I taught windmills and flip squats, two of my favorites.

I ran a cycle of:

1 min swings
10 flip squats
3 windmills

I ran through this four times with a 1 min rest between sets. It seemed to have people huffing and puffing. I liked it because of the different aspects it presented. Windmills for core strength, swings for posterior chain and flip squats work the full body. Lots of fun was had by all!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Stupid is as Stupid Does

I love Kettlebell Squats. I might not do the weights that I did in the past, but they are far safer. This is a great clip about not being stupid.

I hate machines for many reasons. I feel that they lock you into a specific range of motion, no matter if it is your appropriate path or not. I think that they also build false confidence. You are getting stronger in that specific path, but is it a strength that you can translate to real world use? I have seen people injure themselves because they have not stability when using a free weight after machine training. By free weight, I am talking about picking up a child, a box and weights at the gym. I believe in the kettlebell and Pavel's RKC. It has proven time and again to be a great path of training.

In my training this week, I am doing...nothing. This is a rest, recuperation, get fat week. I am training some people but doing no training myself. It is time to sit back and look over the ;last year and plan for the next. I put all my plans and goals in writing and set benchmarks along the way. I have not been so tied down to writing everything until I started to run my own business. Now I plan everything, plus make a daily list to stay on track.

The group workout was intense this week. I pushed everyone pretty hard so that they would earn their holiday feasts.

1 min go, 1 min rest


squat x 5


military press 1 l/r to 5 reps


squat x 5


1 arm rows 1 l/r/ to 5 reps


Squats x 5

2 min rest

2 min snatch test.

Here is a a big BS clip as a suprise gift

Use The Force - Watch more free videos

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Training Week

It has been a great training week. I have been consistently hitting 8 reps per set in VO2 Max. It is a big difference from 7. I did not think that I would be able to tell that there was any difference, but found that at set 36 and up I have to really dig deep to continue with good form and get all 8. I guess i will start adding more sets now. Next stop will be 60!

It was 27 degrees in the garage the other night. I was sweating like a pig and actually had to take off my shirt and turn the fan on. I put my shirt on as soon as I was done.

We had a small class last night for Shen Chuan. It was nice since we did nothing but fine tune everything that we have been working on. There are a lot of people getting really good, really quickly.

Crossfit-Rockwall had an open house today. I am not associated with it in any way, but stopped by to look around and show support. It is a great facility. I met with the owner and she is really knowledgeable. She is running classes now, so stop by if you are interested.

Tonight will be my medium night. I am planning on using double 32kgs for military press, squat, pullups and maybe some renegade rows. I am shooting for sets of 5.

I did a bunch of sets with my gada, cement filled basketball on a shovel handle, on Saturday. What a beating, I felt it afterwards. To many things to learn and work with. I know my keg is feeling left out as well as my slosh pipe. Have to figure out time for them!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I have been tired this week and have had some Ok workouts. I was pushing for 40 sets of 8 in the VO2 max, but decided on sets of 7 after the first 10. I was stopped up and breathing was difficult. It happen this time of year. Last night was my strength night. I worked with the 70 for singles and doubles. I felt pretty good with it. I tore a callouse monday night and did not want to do a clean for every press, so it was strict military press only. 1 x 5 l/r, 2 x 3 l/r, 2 x 3 double kb. I worked dbl front squats for 3 x 5 and pullups 3 x 3 with kb on my foot as described in the RKC II requirements. It makes it harder on the foot versus tied to me.

Tonight we will be videotaping some stuff and will see how it turns out. Tonight will be martial arts only. I will add some kettlebell stuff in the near future.

"Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." Matthew 15:14 KJV

I hope to always have my eyes open so that I do not fail. I know that I do not know everything and can always learn more. I do not want to lead others down the wrong path. What is nice about our group is that everyone has a voice, they all call BS when they see it.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Redo of video

I have been told that the video was not playing. It always seems to work for me, so I will try again.

It has been a busy week with some good workouts. The group workout was tough today since we had to get rid of some turkey and pie residue.

swings x 1 min
military press ladder to three
swings 1 min
goblet squat x 5
swings x 1 min
miltary press ladder to 3
swings x 1 min
squat x 5
swings x 1 min

I worked out afterwards and did military presses with the 88 for 3 x 1. I have not attempted to press it since August. I continued with:
Clean and Press 3 x 5 w/70
Dbl front squats 3 x 3 w/88
Pullups 3 x 3 w/53

I felt pretty good, but I am tired now.