It has been a pretty good training week for the most part. We had a broken finger in the group, but that is the worst injury in a while. The nice thing is that it is something that we can work around as it is the tip. The nice thing is that the same person has moved up a level and is working on a new set of skills that allows us to work around the injury.
My hand is finally healing up pretty well. I performed double swings this week instead of Snatches. I wanted to work on the hip snap power developed by doubles. I am hoping it might help for my next workout phase, which will be a real run at the 106 for the Beast Challenge. I know I can do the pullup, but everything else is in the air. My press and my pistol still need work. I have a pretty good workout template that Jeff Neupert Sr. RKC posted recently on Dragondoor.
I am looking at holding a Kettlebell workshop in the near future. I am looking towards the end of August or first week or so in September. I would like to get out of the 104 temps we are seeing now. It will be a standard level 1 workshop with some kettlebell for combatives after the main portion. That is unless I get a bunch of people that want combatives training.
Neo Tribe Kali and Guro Jeff are a pretty neat find that I made this past week or so. I have not trained with this group yet but came across some clips of their material on the internet. I really like what Guro Jeff has put together in teaching kerambit skills. If you watch what he does, he really knows what he is doing. They have a link to the clips on their site. I recommend checking them out. I will be ordering their DVDs pretty soon and will see about hooking up for some training in the future. I would love to do it sooner than later, but it is a busy time for me with Camp Lansdale, RKC and Amazing Athletes.
Fight of the Week
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