I owe quite a bit to Pavel and the RKC. It really changed the course of my life for the better. Finding out about kettlebells changed my workouts and my training philosophies. Before the Kettlebell, I was all about the mass and weight that I could push. I did not look at the whole picture, the flexibility, the ability to use that strength, the injuries. Pavel opened my eyes to the way of real world strength and showed me a different path. Since then, I have taken the ball and ran with it. Attending the RKC made me realize that just as in my workouts, there was no need to follow a path that was not working for me in my job. I was working in a place where incompetence was rewarded and everyone was scared to speak the truth. Attending the RKC showed me that there were other paths to follow. Since attending the RKC, I left full-time Law Enforcement and stepped off into the fitness world. I realized that I had a passion to teach and help others. In that regard I found that teaching kids fitness and sports was a very rewarding job. I absolutely love what I do now. It is great to watch kids make great strides in their fitness and their sports skills. I follow the tenet that strength is a skill also and must be practices. Today I had about 20 kids doing deep RKC Squats and real pushups. They loved it.
Yesterday's workout - Hand still raw
Swings 3 x 10 l/r
Pullups with 24kg 3 x 5
Windmill 3 x 5
Double Squats 3 x 5
Double Floor Press 3 x 5
Hand was sore so I did not snatch.
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