Thursday, July 10, 2008


Well after 3 years of kettlebell training without tearing up my hands, I tore a callus off tonight. It was about 97 during my workout so I used chalk. I probably won't do that again. It changed my entire swing and rotation. The good thing was it was on my last set of snatches. I did not even do any damage at the RKC weekend. I guess there is a first time for everything. Overall it was a good workout. I spent a little more time on joint mobility tonight. it is time that I started doing that every day again. I always feel better if I start the morning off with it.

I am headed to the RKC to recert. I am looking forward to it. It is a great weekend and I always learn something earth shattering. The RKC changed the course of my life the first time. It put me on the new path away from full time law enforcement and into the fitness world. What a great change. I have more energy and time for my family.


Swing 1 x 10
Snatch 3 x 10 l/r w 32kg
PU 3 x 5 w/24kg
WM 3 x 3 w/32kg
Double squat 3 x 5 w/32
double Floor Press 3 x 5 w/32kg

This is just cool! It is David Whitley RKC

This is a great DVD. that is available at Scientific Wrestling

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