Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Long weekend

Holiday weekends are always hit or miss, at least during the summer, for training. I went to Nacogdoches and was able to train with Joe Lansdale and the rest of the crew. What a great night, as it turned out to be a black belt clinic. It was four of the highest ranked people in Shen Chuan and me. What an opportunity! It is always a humbling experience to go back to the main school. i work away and try to improve my skills just to find out how far I still have to go on my journey. Joe Lansdale is an incredible martial artist and teacher. The things that he has learned and is able to pass on is immense. His understanding of how the body reacts coupled with his knowledge of pressure points, balance and general whoop as stuff is by far the most impressive that I have come across. It is well worth a trip to Nacogdoches to see what he has to offer. He has been brought in for seminars across the country so there is always a chance to see him. I feel bad for our training group this week as I have some new things to work on.

I ended up being pretty over trained last week. It was a long week for Amazing Athletes and I also hit my workouts. I took the weekend off to recuperate. I feel pretty good this week. In an effort to be ready for the RKC recert, I started snatching again. I figure if I can hit my numbers with the 32kg It will be an easy weekend in some respects. It was almost 100 today and the training wore me out.

Joint Mobility
Snatch 3 x 10 l/r w/32kg
Pullups 3 x 5 w/24
Windmill 3 x 3 with 32
Double Squats 3 x 5 w/32's
Double Floor Press w/32kgs

Relax into stretch.

Here is a clip of Mark Shultz in an interview. He has the right attitude. One of the greatest wrestlers of all time.

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