Sunday, May 22, 2011


In the last few weeks I have been unable to post anything of interest. You would figure that in an entire week, something would be written. It is actually scheduled in my day tomorrow. I will also be moving this to another address.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Goings On at BTS

It has been a busy week. I had hoped to follow up last weeks post about the Minimus, with great stuff but... I gave a 30 minute self defense talk to about twenty-five women this week. It appeared to have gone really well as they all were pretty interactive. I have found that the best tool to give people when you are short on time is...permission to actually defend themselves against a threat. It can be an emotional, mental or physical assault, it makes no difference. There still needs to be a defense strategy. I taught them how to find their trigger for survival, what would give them the power/reason to survive.

Amazing Athletes Corporate was in town training a new Franchise owner. They were able to come out and watch several of our classes taught by some of our coaches. They were pleased! I was also a mentor on an Amazing Athletes conference all about sales to schools.

Rockwall is hosting a Holistic Health Fair at the Center on May 7th from 10-2pm. We will be there with our FMS kit to run as many screens as we can. If you would like to reserve a slot, email me at paul at

Kids class is coming up!

Mother's Day Special at

Summit of Strength is July 23-24th. 4 Master RKC in one place for a full weekend of awesomeness! If you are wanting to be the best you can be, it is a must attend! There is no better training opportunity outside of Dragon Door Events. Dustin and Kenzie know how to put on incredible events.

I am signed up for Indian Clubs certification in November. Which will betaught by my good friend Dustin Rippetoe, RKCTL. Oh yeah, Brett Jones MRKC will be there also!

That is probably enough for tonight. Want to leave u with what not to do with a KB.