Saturday, December 29, 2007

Rule #4 Never Contest for Space...

Kettlebells can cause injury if you do not follow the rules. If the lift is going badly, develop quick feet and exit the area. (After it hits the house floor, run from the wife, personal experience.)

The great thing about kettlebells is that you can train alone without the danger of being stuck under a weight, unlike barbells.

This is a little better. I have some real issues with form, but at least the kettlebell does not hit anyone.

Monday, December 24, 2007

"My training gave me the courage..."

This is an example of what training does for you. It gives you the courage to act. As I always tell people nothing ever goes the way you want it to on the street as it does in training. The techniques are not as pretty, the bad guy never reacts like your partner, but due to good training you can step forward and be the Sheep Dog that guards against the wolves.

In your training realize that you are there for a reason, to learn those skills you need for your turn in the breach. Your training can give you the confidence and courage to do what is necessary to do the right thing.

Good training is not only skill in your techniques, it is the mind set that you must have to win the physical as well as mental confrontations that you face. Find a good trainer, there are a lot out there, and work at all of your skills.

Merry Christmas

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tis but a flesh wound

I use this clip as a reference in every Combatives Seminar that I teach, be it Women's Self Defense or law Enforcement. It is not for the fighting skills but the philosophy of the Black Knight. The never quit mentality that is evident in his makeup.

How do you get that type of mental strength? You have to figure out what you are fighting for and what you do not want to lose before a confrontation. What is worth fighting for that will sustain you through the pain and fear of a real world confrontation? I can't tell you what your trigger for survival is, mine is an 8 year old little girl. It has to be personal and specific for you.

Once you have something worth fighting for everything is just a "flesh wound," felt only after you are through. When you have something worth fighting for, your chances for survival increase. If you have something to fight for, you will actually fight, not live in an apathetic state . That is the liberal state of "It can't happen to me." The very thought of having something to fight for frees you from that state. It is not paranoia, it is taking care of your tools for when they are needed.

Somewhat meandering, but important info. It is also something I know a little about.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Kettlebell Seminar January 19th

Kettlebell Basics Workshop
January 19th, 2008

Hosted by
Apollo Fitness
1400 E. IH 30
Rockwall, Texas
Paul Britt RKC will teach basic kettlebell exercises and program design.

Turkish Get-Ups

Class is $75 before January 5th after that the price increases to $100.
Register online @
Or Mail registration to Paul Britt c/o Apollo Fitness
For more info 214-535-8856 email

Monday, December 17, 2007

Slosh Pipe

I think this is a great tool for training. It works and best of all it is cheap to build. By the time you have read this, I should have one built and have already trained with it.

I built it and played around with it for a little while this afternoon. It was pretty fun and really hard to handle. I was walking around like a drunk person as I attempted to balance it.

I used: 10 ft PVC, 2 end caps, PVC Primer and Cement. No leaks in mine after I used the primer and cement to seal the caps on. The pipe is 3/4 full of water.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


If you work with kettlebells, you know that the shoe of choice is the old school "Chucks." I pretty much wear Chucks all of the time. I even have them on for an article I wrote in the July 06 SWAT magazine. I found that you can build and personalize your own Chuck Taylors here. I played around with a few designs that I am going to buy. You can even have them embroidered with your name or other words. Woo-Hoo, I will be getting some new shoes for Christmas.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Neat Body Weight Work

This is a good example of real strength. I really like the opening pullups.

Great Story and Greater Voice

This has been around for a while, but it still brings chills to me. You do not have to like opera to appreciate this clip and this particular singer. Paul Potts was working in a cell phone store and took a chance at greatness. The thing is he reached his goal and has had incredible success, all from taking a chance. For me, this story goes back to the post below about standing up and believing in yourself. Look what happens when you are willing to fall. I bought his debut CD, One Chance, and it is incredible.

What does this have to do with Kettlebells, Combat and the like? Never give up and take a chance on your dreams, you never know what will happen. If you are scared of failing, you never get anywhere.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007

It takes one person to make a stand

It only takes one person to make a stand and make a difference. Here is a child that is standing up to a dictorial authority without fear. What a great example of living without fear of failure. From what I know this occurred in Myanmar, a country that is beat down by an oppressive government. How great is it that this child stands up against wrongs to others? I worry that we are losing the desire to do the right thing in this country. It seems that we often take the path of, "what is in it for me?" We do not look at how our actions help or hurt others. The Politically Correct way of life has taken over in this country. I am concerned that we expect others to suffer, while we dine. It almost sounds like the last days of the Roman Empire.

I am only advocating that we stand up for what we believe in, right and wrong. Take a stand for something or you die for nothing. That does not mean that you have to fight tyranny in far off lands or stand up to someone that has slighted you. I am saying stand up for those around you. Live your life in a way that others are helped by your actions and lead by your example. Help people that are suffering and in need even if it is inconvenient to do so.

I try to live by example and will fight for the rights of others. I try to treat people better than I hope to be treated. Make a stand, live life for others. It will come back to you ten fold. It might keep a child from having to stand up to tyranny.


Tuesday, December 4, 2007


The seminar went pretty well this weekend. It did not rain on us and the weather was cool. Hard to believe that it is December and it is in the 70's. I brought my Beast to the seminar and tried to press it a few times without success. I can snatch it, but pressing is a little way off. Pressing and snatching has been on my Goal list at Dragondoor for at least a year and a half. I have decided that it is time to hit it.

The problem with just having a goal with an undetermined deadline is that you never get there. i have decided that I will be pressing the Beast(106) has to be accomplished by January 15th. I think that it is attainable as I can press the 88's pretty easily.

My next goal will be to perform a pistol with the 106. I am thinking June 29th might be a good date. It will force me to work hard. Besides that is the RKC II and I need to work on Pistols for that anyway.



I am an RKC and follow Pavel and Hard Style over other systems. This is impressive to anyone and an amazing feat.
