Monday, December 17, 2007

Slosh Pipe

I think this is a great tool for training. It works and best of all it is cheap to build. By the time you have read this, I should have one built and have already trained with it.

I built it and played around with it for a little while this afternoon. It was pretty fun and really hard to handle. I was walking around like a drunk person as I attempted to balance it.

I used: 10 ft PVC, 2 end caps, PVC Primer and Cement. No leaks in mine after I used the primer and cement to seal the caps on. The pipe is 3/4 full of water.

1 comment:

North Point Fitness said...


I made two more pipes that don't leak! Thanks for clarifying that the pipe is only 3/4 full of water. I said full of water on the video and that would defeat the purpose. I like the content on your blog!

Keep up the great work.