Sunday, September 30, 2007

This is what hurts martial arts.

I believe in attacking pressure points. I have been knocked out through pressure points by Joe R. Lansdale, one of the best martial artists in the world. I know they work.They are one of the tools that we have at our disposal in a fight. This "Master" takes it past the point of reality and into the comic book world. I think that his touchless works are basically mind jobs. His people believe it will work, so it does on them.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Challenged or Threatened

In today’s world, it seems that you are not safe from anything anymore. The 6:00pm News shows nothing but bad news. Someone has been killed, someone had a car wreck, and there is a serial murderer loose in your city. If you believe everything you here, why would you even want to leave your house? The world is not as bad as the media wants you to think. They show the most graphic images in hopes of getting more viewers for their advertisers. If the story is not bad enough, the media will do what they can to make it seem like it is the end of the world.

Is the world dangerous at times? Yes. Is it more dangerous then before 2001? Unless you are in the military or going to places that are listed as hostile, you are probably not in as much danger then you were in the past. What seems to be worse is that life is portrayed as more dangerous now than at anytime prior.

The media feeds on the fear of Interpersonal Aggression. The normal human being has more fear over an attack by a person then anything else. It stems from the human psyche wanting to do no harm to others. The normal person does not worry about auto wrecks, cigarette smoking or habits that they can control. Smoking kills more people on a daily basis then other humans do. While people know that smoking is harmful and can kill them, they do not stop smoking. They know that you need to wear their seatbelt, but many adults do not do so as they think nothing will happen to them.

Col. Dave Grossman illustrates this in his lectures and writings. Col. Grossman says that you can throw a bunch of snakes in a group of people, some will react with fear, some with interest and some will not really care. But introduce a serial rapist or murderer in a city of one million people and they all change their actions and live in some way. The Railway Killer from the 1990’s is an example. People across the country lived in fear of this person. As a Police Officer, I was called on to search many buildings that ran along a railroad spur, tracks not even used for regular traffic. People were so scared that they saw the killer everywhere they looked.

Martial Arts and Self Defense Classes thrive on this type of fear in society. The problem is it is not the way the world really is. Do I want to earn your money? Yes, otherwise I would not be running a school and offering a service. I do not think that you need to learn to fight because you are scared to death. I want to teach people that want to live a life without total fear. It is one thing to scare you so badly that you cannot think about anything else but being attacked at all times, it is quite another to realize that you can live with confidence by taking a class that gives you skills to survive an aggressive encounter on the off chance you are one of the small percentage of people to suffer one.

A great teacher and friend, Tony Blauer, introduced me to a powerful tool that changed my life. Tony taught me about “Get Challenged, or Get Threatened.” It was a life changing moment for me. As a Police Officer, I had been in a life or death struggle on the side of the road by myself at 4:00am on one shift. I was successful in surviving my encounter and that subject will spend the rest of his life in prison. After the encounter, I doubted myself and my abilities. I thought that everything I knew and thought was not worth a hill of beans. I was threatened by my perceived lack of ability and skills. I was threatened by my own mortality. I went from being ten foot tall and bulletproof to realizing I was human after all. I was so threatened by what happened that I believed that everyone that questioned me about the encounter was second guessing me. Why? I was threatened by my own feelings.

What is the solution? Get challenged. When you are challenged, you have actually take action. When threatened, you get stuck in a rut where you continue to spiral downwards. Taking action gets you going and gives you a reason to excel and find ways to overcome whatever obstacle that you are facing. Being challenged is empowering, being threatened makes you a victim.

Since becoming challenged, I have used that operating programming to my advantage. I have faced many challenges where it would have been easy to be threatened and have a victim mindset. I went through a divorce, where I could have collapsed and given up. Instead I raised a daughter as a single father for several years. I was challenged by a tumor in my femur. I never asked, Why Me? I looked at it as a way to grow and find what other doors would open.

The point of this whole article is that do not let fear of attack and injury rule your life. Realize that anyone could be attacked and look at it as a challenge that you can rise to. By being challenged you become responsible for your own safety. Do not be threatened, but be challenged and strive to overcome any obstacles that you face. Empower yourself, not the bad guy, through a positive mental program. Be challenged or threatened, it is your choice.

Paul Britt

copyright @ 2007 Britt's Self Defense Systems

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sept. 26, 2007

Rough day physically. I had allergies and performed demo's for 2 hours this morning.

I taught a Shen Chuan class in the garage tonight and had a good night. I always see ways that kettlebells help in techniques and tools that we use. Shen Chuan has a lot of kenpo strikes in it. I love the striking style as it is so fluid as we practice it. The relaxed tension and tightening that the Russian Kettlebell Challenge program teaches fits perfectly with what we do. The rapid, fluid strike with tightening on impact is accentuated through kettlebells. It causes the strike to at least double in power with no loss of speed. Starting with JKD, Dan Inosanto is a KB'er, that relaxation until impact has been talked about and worked on by numerous systems and fighters. I believe that by training lots of swings and snatches, you develop the power without sacrificing any speed.

Just a quick note for tonight.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sept 25, 2008

This has been the first week that Amazing Athletes has really gotten started. I have demos everyday. I end up basically working out for about three hours non-stop. it affected my kettlebell workout today.

Today's workout was based on the 3 x 3 principles. I figure that I get quite a bit of cardio running with the kids and need a strength focus. I am using the 88's. I perform each group for 3 sets with 1:30 rest between each exercise. Helps rest time. Today I launched the KB on the last set of left side snatches. My grip gave out. took an extra break and hit the 3. I like this type of training as it builds a lot of strength with out lots of bulk.

Maxwell's Joint Mobility

Group A
Clean and push press 3 x 3
Pull up 3 x 3 w/ 88 tied to me

Group B
Snatch 3 x 3
Dbl Squat 3 x 3

Janda 3 x 5
Relax into stretch after using a foam roller

Not a whole lot to add today. I will be teaching a martial arts class tomorrow. We are going to incorporate some Catch style holds. is the place to go for all things cool in grappling.

Be safe

Sunday, September 23, 2007

September 23, 2007

First Blog. I hope to one day the equal Physical Strategies by Tom Furman. Go Home Alive is the tag line from Britt's Self Defense Systems, a training company that I created several years ago. My goal then was to teach the needed skills to keep my fellow Police Officers going home at the end of their shift.

While I recently left Law Enforcement, I still love combatives and training. Two of my best friends are still on the job and I still try to train them. I figure the line still works as a reminder.

I want this blog to share the knowledge and information that I come across as I continue to improve my combatives skills as well as my exercise and fitness training. Once I figure out the ins and outs of the blog I will add photos, content and more.