Sunday, September 14, 2008

Final Prep

I am coming down to the wire for the RKC. I am as ready as I am going to be after being injured. Tonight was a snatch night. I did 5 sets of 10 left and right with only 30 seconds rest between sets. I feel pretty good and I am ready for the snatch test on Thursday. I will workout tomorrow and maybe Tuesday just to keep in the flow.

Last night, I went to do 5 minutes of Get-Ups. I started pretty strong and went for quite a while. My goal was five minutes. After I realized that there were at least three different songs and lots of commercials on the radio, I realized my Gymboss had quit working. Oh well, as near as I could figure, I did about 10 minutes of Get-Ups. I was using the 24kg and got into a good rhythm. I was a little tired today, but not bad at all.

I am going to set up a few workshops sometime in mid-October and early November. I will have more info coming after this next week.

Not to make any light of Hurricane Ike. I have a lot of family and friends in Houston and Nacogdoches. Both area were hit hard. My parents are in Nacogdoches and running a generator to have some power. Hopefully everyone will continue to work together to get things up and running pretty quickly.

It takes all kinds...

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