Tuesday, June 1, 2010

More Changes in the Air

I have not trained in a week and half due to injury. Arrrgggghhh. I did not hurt myself training, but doing some work around the house. A strain in my trap threw off my entire week. My weakness is that I get aggravated and quit doing anything. Once again,  I decided that I needed to take a complete break from training to let it heal. I have been teaching so many kids classes that I figured that I would get some training benefits. It worked, but it is time to start up again. I have not totally healed, so RTK is out for at least a week longer. I am going to work partial Get Ups, RKC Armbar, Active Straight Leg Raise corrections, before hitting swings, squats and dead lifts this week. I do not want to lose the progress I was making before this setback, and want to make sure that I practice what I preach. A return of strength, movement and stability where and when it is needed.

I have been able to go over a lot of training material in the last two weeks. It has helped reset where I am headed with the kettlebell program. I am going to branch out a little bit, but will be staying at Eclipse Fitness for a while. It is a great facility and well worth training at.

I have always been an affiliate with Dragon Door, meaning there is a financial partnership there. If you need anything from DD, please feel free to order it from my blog! If you want a great training reference click on the book cover near the top of my page. I was an assistant at the RKC under Geoff Neupert and can tell you he is squared away. Best of all, order it by June 11th and it is $5.00 off!

 I have also recently partnered with Prograde and will have a link to their supplements on the blog. If you want great products, please order them through this site.

We are in the process of setting up a new website, but until then, this is the place to see what we are up to.

Free Fundamentals Workshop on Saturday, June 5 at 9:00am. We will be at Eclipse Fitness, 201 E IH 30 in Rockwall. The class will go over Swings, Get Ups and Squats. Last day to let me know you will be there is Thursday June 3rd! Space is Limited!

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