Thursday, February 14, 2008

Delays in Posting

I have gotten bad about posting over the last month. I am also not able to take any new kettlebell students lately. The good news is that it is not all bad. I have been so busy with my business, Amazing Athletes that I have gotten behind in training others or writing. I absolutely love working with kids and being able to teach them great exercise and fitness habits. I am also able to continue working with my martial arts and kettlebell students.

I am also going back into Law Enforcement. Hopefully after tomorrow, I will be a reserve Police Officer for Royse City, Texas. They are a small Department outside Dallas. They are squared away and progressive, they will probably explode in growth in the next five years. I am really proud to be assocciated with them. Chief Shelton is a past president of the Texas Tactical Peace Officers Association and is a firm believer in taking care of his troops. I am ready to get back out on the streets at least part of the time.

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