Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Back to Basics 2

I have been back at Enter the Kettlebell for the second week. I actually can tell a difference already. It might be from the change in programs or it could be that the basics work. Even though I am an RKC, I can stand to work at the skills and techniques that I teach. There is nothing like crappy instructor form to ruin a good class and get someone hurt.

I really like having a Flip camera to evaluate my technique. I have the swings and squats down pretty well. It is almost machine like when I am working them. My get ups and presses are crap, plain and simple. I continue to have issues with shoulder tightness and a lack of flexibility. I have made some improvements, but there are still a few issues. It gives me something to work on for the next year till I attend the CK-FMS. I have made quite a large improvement in my Get Up form since the last workout. I was not holding the KB vertical and was able to see this on video. I also had my elbow bent. This workout was recorded and my shoulders were down, the KB was much closer to vertical until I went into the hip heist position. I think that after a few more videotaped workouts it should be a much better exercise.

I finished off the evening with RKC Armbars to work a little harder on shoulder mobility. I think that coupled with Joint Mobility drills will go far in fixing my lack of shoulder mobility. I have also picked up Secrets of the Shoulder and will implement a lot of that into my practice.


Marissa B. said...

kalos stenos, lots and lots of kalos stenos

Marissa B. said...

that's what Mom said!

Britt's Training Systems said...

tell her that I have been doing kalos thenos!!