Monday, October 11, 2010

21 Day Gult Free Thanksgiving Challenge

We want to announce our first 21 Day Challenge! We decided that since Thanksgiving is a time of feasting, weight gain, and shopping it was the right time to put a challenge/solution together. We are going to run special "prehab" classes to get you ready for the week! This will be easier then having to worry about it after Thanksgiving! The 21 Day Challenge will be 3 weeks of classes along with an eating plan to help you beat the holiday weight gain. You will be able to eat without guilt during the Holidays, because you have lost weight and built lean muscle before hand!

The 21 Day Challenge is for new clients only and it is limited to 20 participants. The Challenge is only $79.00 for the 3 week program with the Intro class! Join our program for the cost of a workshop! We will start with a new member introduction on October 30th at 10am. At the introduction class, you will be screened, evaluated and taught the basics exercises. The Challenge classes will start the next Monday(11/01/10) at 5pm. Classes will be held Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons at 5pm. Classes will be 30 minutes in length. That 30 minute class will be fun, but it will be work time! We ask that you pre-register as space is limited to just 20 people!

The best thing is this is risk free. If you followed the plan and are not satisfied, we will refund your$79.00!

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