Sunday, May 23, 2010


We have had a great turnout at Eclipse for our kettlebell training. In an effort to make sure that we get the most out of our training, I have to institute a required fundamentals class. The good news is that it is a free class. The bad news is that you have to have the class to attend training, or meet with me for a seperate class session that will cost $50 per person.

The free class is June 5th at 9:00am at Eclipse Fitness Rockwall. The class will be 90 minutes long and will teach swings, squats and begin teaching Get Ups.

I will also be making some changes to the business itself. I taught for fun out of the garage for years, but have some good ideas of where I want to be pretty quickly. We will have a new website and address to coincide with those changes. Look for updates.

I have two students attending the June 12th HKC in Ft. Worth!!! I am pretty excited for them. If you are interested in attending, it is not to late! Click on the link! HKC

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