Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Nice Workout Journal

I was playing around the other day and came across a website that allows you to record your workouts. The site has all kinds of neat items on it such as workout templates, discussions and even exercise calculators. It is kind of like MySpace for exercise.
There is a second site that I have come across called Fitday That is really nice also. Fitday also has a Diet Journal on their site.

One of the best things you can do, other than starting to exercise, is to keep track of your sets, reps and exercises and also of what you eat. You will be able to see what exercise regimen worked for you. It is also really nice to see how much improvement you have made over the years. I ran across some of my old notebooks a while ago and it was pretty interesting. I had hit 745 for 3 in the squat about 5 years ago at a body weight of 190. Today I use double 88 kettlebells for squats, quite a difference.But, I am in better functional shape now, able to use greater end strength. It is similar to Horsepower ratings of the engine versus what is measurable at the rear wheels.

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