Saturday, March 8, 2008

Great Fight Scene

This is a great fight scene that has some validity to the real world. Basically the character looks at what the real attacks and consequences will be based on his possible actions. when he acts, not reacts, he takes care of the situation quickly and brutally. There is no sparring or game playing, it is handled. That is the mind set that needs to be had for self defense. If you are in trouble, take care of the problem quickly, efficiently and with the appropriate level of violence. As Blauer teaches, "In a fight for your life, what tactic is to violent." Just remember that we are discussing self-defense or defense of a third party and not starting fights as a bad guy.

Workout of the Day

Swings 3 x 10 l,r w/88

press 3 x 3 w/88

dbl squat 3 x 5 w/88

Jump shrug 3 x 8 w/88's

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