Sunday, March 23, 2008

High Fructose Corn Syrup

High fructose corn syrup is in almost every thing we eat. There are so many concerns about it that even Good Morning America recently did a spot on how corn in general is bad for you. There are a lot of politics involved in Americans being feed things that are really not good for us. High fructose Corn syrup is one of the biggest issues we have had in relation to everyone's health.

I have a daughter that is allergic to corn and that caused us to read the packaging on all of the foods that we purchase. I was surprised by the amount of things that corn syrup is in. I always knew that it was in a lot of drinks and some candy, but it is now in almost every item that we come across. I looked at packages in the U.K. and Ireland and found that there was not much of a corn syrup problem there. I also noticed that there was not a large problem with obesity, but it has increased. That started with the introduction of some American products and fast food restaurants. that coupled with video games has caused a rise in fat kids in England.

Here is a good link about High Fructose Corn Syrup and what it is believed to do to harm our health. we have cut it out almost entirely and have noticed some healthy changes. I have dropped 10 lbs and feel better. I do not have the sluggishness that I used to get after eating.

The best advice is to shop on the outsides of the supermarket or hit one of the Whole Foods style markets. the cleaner you eat the better you will feel and be. We are even looking towards purchasing meats that are not fed corn.

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