Monday, December 29, 2008
Early Start on the New Year
I am also setting my training goals for the year this week. While they are not set in stone, i have a few ideas of what i want to accomplish with my training. I really want to press the Beast. I have been able to to pullups and a Pistol and have one skill to master, the military press. I have gotten to the point where the 88 goes up pretty easily for reps. I am going to get it up.
I might be teaching at a fitness center locally. I have to meet with the fitness manager this week and see what is possible. While I love teaching kettlebells, i have to really focus on Amazing Athletes. It will be nice to have a home to run 4-6 week classes as wells as Seminars and self defense programs.
The group workout this week was pretty hard. I taught windmills and flip squats, two of my favorites.
I ran a cycle of:
1 min swings
10 flip squats
3 windmills
I ran through this four times with a 1 min rest between sets. It seemed to have people huffing and puffing. I liked it because of the different aspects it presented. Windmills for core strength, swings for posterior chain and flip squats work the full body. Lots of fun was had by all!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Stupid is as Stupid Does
I love Kettlebell Squats. I might not do the weights that I did in the past, but they are far safer. This is a great clip about not being stupid.
I hate machines for many reasons. I feel that they lock you into a specific range of motion, no matter if it is your appropriate path or not. I think that they also build false confidence. You are getting stronger in that specific path, but is it a strength that you can translate to real world use? I have seen people injure themselves because they have not stability when using a free weight after machine training. By free weight, I am talking about picking up a child, a box and weights at the gym. I believe in the kettlebell and Pavel's RKC. It has proven time and again to be a great path of training.
In my training this week, I am doing...nothing. This is a rest, recuperation, get fat week. I am training some people but doing no training myself. It is time to sit back and look over the ;last year and plan for the next. I put all my plans and goals in writing and set benchmarks along the way. I have not been so tied down to writing everything until I started to run my own business. Now I plan everything, plus make a daily list to stay on track.
The group workout was intense this week. I pushed everyone pretty hard so that they would earn their holiday feasts.
1 min go, 1 min rest
squat x 5
military press 1 l/r to 5 reps
squat x 5
1 arm rows 1 l/r/ to 5 reps
Squats x 5
2 min rest
2 min snatch test.
Here is a a big BS clip as a suprise gift
Use The Force - Watch more free videos
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Training Week
It was 27 degrees in the garage the other night. I was sweating like a pig and actually had to take off my shirt and turn the fan on. I put my shirt on as soon as I was done.
We had a small class last night for Shen Chuan. It was nice since we did nothing but fine tune everything that we have been working on. There are a lot of people getting really good, really quickly.
Crossfit-Rockwall had an open house today. I am not associated with it in any way, but stopped by to look around and show support. It is a great facility. I met with the owner and she is really knowledgeable. She is running classes now, so stop by if you are interested.
Tonight will be my medium night. I am planning on using double 32kgs for military press, squat, pullups and maybe some renegade rows. I am shooting for sets of 5.
I did a bunch of sets with my gada, cement filled basketball on a shovel handle, on Saturday. What a beating, I felt it afterwards. To many things to learn and work with. I know my keg is feeling left out as well as my slosh pipe. Have to figure out time for them!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tonight we will be videotaping some stuff and will see how it turns out. Tonight will be martial arts only. I will add some kettlebell stuff in the near future.
"Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." Matthew 15:14 KJV
I hope to always have my eyes open so that I do not fail. I know that I do not know everything and can always learn more. I do not want to lead others down the wrong path. What is nice about our group is that everyone has a voice, they all call BS when they see it.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Redo of video
It has been a busy week with some good workouts. The group workout was tough today since we had to get rid of some turkey and pie residue.
swings x 1 min
military press ladder to three
swings 1 min
goblet squat x 5
swings x 1 min
miltary press ladder to 3
swings x 1 min
squat x 5
swings x 1 min
I worked out afterwards and did military presses with the 88 for 3 x 1. I have not attempted to press it since August. I continued with:
Clean and Press 3 x 5 w/70
Dbl front squats 3 x 3 w/88
Pullups 3 x 3 w/53
I felt pretty good, but I am tired now.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Joint Mobility Warmup
4 Swings 30 sec on/30 off
3 sets of Goblet squats 30 on/30 off. work on quality not quantity
3 sets of snatches 5 l/r min 30 sec rest
Relax into Stretch
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
First Video
This is some of us playing around with relaxation and balance disruption. This was our first video so it could be better.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
New Toy
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sad State of Children's Health
stumble digg reddit news trust
MARILYNN MARCHIONE | November 11, 2008 09:10 PM EST |
NEW ORLEANS — Obese children as young as 10 had the arteries of 45-year-olds and other heart abnormalities that greatly raise their risk of heart disease, say doctors who used ultrasound tests to take a peek inside.
"As the old saying goes, you're as old as your arteries are," said Dr. Geetha Raghuveer of Children's Hospital in Kansas City, who led one of the studies. "This is a wake-up call."
The studies were reported Tuesday at an American Heart Association conference.
About a third of American children are overweight and one-fifth are obese. Many parents think that "baby fat" will melt away as kids get older. But research increasingly shows that fat kids become fat adults, with higher risks for many health problems.
"Obesity is not benign in children and adolescents," said Dr. Robert Eckel, a former heart association president and cardiologist at the University of Colorado-Denver. It is why the American Academy of Pediatrics recently recommended cholesterol-lowering drugs for some kids, he noted.
Raghuveer wanted to see if early signs of damage could be documented. She and colleagues used painless ultrasound tests to measure the thickness of the wall of a major neck artery in 70 children, ages 10 to 16. Almost all had abnormal cholesterol and many were obese.
No one knows how thick a 10-year-old's artery should be, since they're not regularly checked for signs of heart disease, so researchers used tables for 45-year-olds, who often do get such exams.
The kids' "vascular age" was about 30 years older than their actual age, she found.
Story continues below
A separate study tied childhood obesity to abnormal enlargement of the left atrium, one of the chambers of the heart. Enlargement is a known risk factor for heart disease, stroke and heart rhythm problems.
Julian Ayer, a researcher at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney Australia, did ultrasound exams on 991 seemingly healthy children ages 5 to 15. He saw a clear link between rising weight and size of the left atrium.
A third study by Dr. Walter Abhayaratna of Australian National University in Canberra, Australia, also used ultrasound tests and found impairment in the heart's ability to relax between beats in children who were overweight or obese.
The study involved the first 150 children participating in a larger community-based study.
Earlier research he helped conduct found more rigid arteries in such children _ a possible sign of plaque deposits starting to form.
"Even at this young age of 10, you can have children who have got arterial stiffness who are comparable to 30- and 40-year-olds," he said.
Dr. Michael Schloss, a New York University heart disease prevention specialist, said the evidence shows obesity is more than a cosmetic issue for children.
"If you've seen what's on the menu for most school lunches, these findings are no surprise," he said. "The time has come to seriously deal with the issue of childhood obesity and physical inactivity on a governmental and parental level
Monday, November 10, 2008
Past week
I have continued with the VO2 max and 3 x 5 program over the last week. Today starts the 3rd week. I really feel pretty good, I can tell that I have lost some body fat. The nice thing is that I have not lost strength. I added reps to my heavy day on Military Presses and Squats. I hope that it progesses this week and next. I have not decided if I will change programs or take a back off week and move up in weight for VO2 Max. It really depends on how I feel.
The group workouts continue. We had a good group on Saturday. Our focus this week was learning the snatch. Everyone got it down pretty quickly and we are going to have a good workout this next week. I have my evil plan ready for the Thanksgiving/Christmas Holiday Feasts. If you want to eat, you will have to work!
I went out and did my workout after posting the intro. I could push a little harder for more reps, but I am really focusing on form. I am really locking the kettlebell down at the top of the snatch and sucking the shoulder down and locking the elbow out. I feel that the form is more important than the increase in reps. I am going to hit 50 sets on Thursday. I will stay at 7 until the lockdown is there for every rep. It does slow me down for now.
How to Snatch
Monday, November 3, 2008
I hit 41 this weekend and my long, long term goal is to be in as good of shape as Jack LaLanne at 94. It is a long way off, but that is the ultimate goal. I am working towards the RKC-FMS and trying to see if I can fix some issues. If I can, maybe I will get the Beast up for a Clean and Press.
Going back to the VO2 Max program. I think that is is a valuable training protocol. After 2 weeks, I feel a difference. It might be all in my head, but I seem to have more "go" power. I have been reading a lot of posts on about people trying to hit 100 sets of VO2 Max. More power to them. i do not think that it is where I need to go. There are quite a few people shooting for more sets that are over training and getting injured and ill. The recommended sets appears to be 40-50 sets and I do not think that 60 is to excessive. I think that you have to have a plan and a goal for your training. What would the purpose of 100 sets be? If it is just to do it, what are the risks versus benefits?
I guess I am just old now. I like the 40-50 sets and feel that at this point in my life, it is all I need. I have been down the path of over training to the point of sickness and injury. I spent 4 years away from training due to an injury. I was injured because I was stupid. I did not understand periodization. I did not realize that there was an ebb and flow to the body and to training. I went full out each and every time for years.
Maybe it was a good thing. It made me smarter about training. I started to search for better ways to reach my goals. That lead me to the RKC and Pavel. Truly life changing.
I truly believe in training smarter and harder and protecting my body.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Good week
I went ahead and hit 40 sets on my second workout. I really felt pretty strong and was not as intimidated. It went really well and I actually enjoyed it. I feel really good today and have lots of energy. I am going to skip the workout onight, which is supposed to be 32kgs for strength. It is Trick or Treat time. I will hit it tomorrow instead.
Time to take the kids out and eat badly. I can't wait.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Don't mess with this lady!
Little Woman Owns Creepy Elevator Guy - Watch more free videos
Sunday, October 26, 2008
So much to learn
I am in the process of reading Plato's Republic, Pavel's Beyond Bodybuilding, Warrior Diet and lots of studies that I have come across. In the video area, I am watching Kenneth Jay's Advanced Strength Strategies, Pavel's DVDs as well as several others. Granted, I am able to only do some of this in small bits, sure is nice to have a book in each room.. But even small bits is better than nothing as you sometimes get more in the small bites of time.
The problem is that the knowledge you gain has to be able to be used or it is not worth the effort it took to find it. I think that you have to decide what direction that you want to go and learn about that area and experiment, train, play with that knowledge until you own it. I really like the direction that the RKC is headed with the new snatch test and VO2 max. I think that I need to focus on that direction with my training for a little while. I have been doing a little bit of playing with this idea by going back to the ETK. It is time to really turn it on.
I have decided to focus on some other areas as well. I have been super focused on my business and will continue to do so. I am throwing some moderation in however. I am pretty much done answering calls, and emails after a certain time of the day as well as letting weekends be more relaxed. I need to focus on my martial arts in certain areas. I really want to look at the grappling aspects for a little while.
I think that by focusing on what I need to do in these several areas will help me increase my knowledge in an easier path. I will be able to learn more in those chosen areas this way. It will allow me to dig deeper than I would just following every lead or meandering thought.
The nice thing is that all of these things actually dovetail quite nicely. I drive past some really incredible BJJ schools that have classes during my lunch breaks, the RKC fits in well with the combatives and the business continues to grow with the relaxing of the intensity.
There are some other things that I am interested in learning and doing, but they will have their time in the near future.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Busy Week
We had a great training night last night. I ended up teaching martial arts for about 4 hours after teaching a lot of Amazing Athletes classes all day. The more worn out I got last night the more I seemed to relax and smooth up techniques.
Today was another full day of Amazing Athletes as well as workout time. I took a little longer on rest tonight, a minute versus 30 seconds. I felt pretty good. It was time for clean and presses tonight. I took it easy and alternated arms for single reps. I focused on lat activation as well as elbow lockout. It went pretty well. I will be hitting Get Ups tomorrow for 5 minutes.
I will have more tomorrow. I am busy getting set for the Women's Self Defense Class that begins on Monday.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Where to start...
Here is someone having a bad day. How many things are wrong with this picture? This is a reason that kettlebells are a great tool, especially training alone!
Last night was an okay workout. I was pretty tired from running classes all day. When you work with children, you have to do lots of demonstrations to get them on the right track. It helps me be in shape, but can be tiring after a long day.I am going to start adding a few exercises to the equation. I feel pretty good with the swings and Get Ups. I am going to start adding some low rep clean and presses as well as some pullups.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
So many things to do...
I stepped up to the 32kg for training this week. The swings went pretty well and I continued to knock out 8 sets of 10 L/R with only 30 seconds of rest. I was a little worn out on Thursday night, I was only waist level with the swings. It happens, but I need to watch my energy level. I have found that the swings have definitely been a great corrective strategy. I feel pretty good physically. I was having some knee pain as well as lower back issues again prior to starting this program. Those issues have disappeared.
I practiced the Get Up this week also. I hit the 5 minute mark with 32kg, but lost it on my last rep. My elbow gave out. I still need to work on my lockout. I decided to hit another 2 minutes with the 24kg to work that elbow lock. I know what I have to work on and will continue to do so. The goal this week will be 10 sets of swings and 7 minutes of Get Ups.
We had our Saturday training at the park this week. I am starting to get back into the swing of group training again. Everyone seems to enjoy it and we have a great group. We added the Get Up this week. we worked on technique and moved onto the workout.
Swings 30 seconds/30 seconds of rest
Partner Get Ups, "you go, I go" for 5 minutes.
Practiced cleans for about 7 minutes (sneaky training)
cool down and stretch.
Still have room in the 2 day Women's Self Defense Class! Email for more information.
This is not what I am teaching at the Women's Class. This is a nice Silat clip.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Workout tonight
I am still working on my presses. I am only doing 1 rep of double clean and press. I am really working to feel the lats engage, shoulders suck into socket and elbows lock. I am starting to feel pretty confident with my technique again. I am going to start incorporating more presses on a variety day.
Every time I attend the RKC it becomes a life improving event. This time i really soaked up the joint mobility and Z-Health work. I am doing a lot more joint mobility, which has me feeling a lot better and more fluid.
It is amazing how the Joint Mobility fits in with Shen Chuan. They really seem to help in power generation as well as weight transfer for the balance disruptions. Our video man will be back next week and I think we need to put some stuff on film. If nothing else to see where I need to improve.
The Women's Self Defense Class is Oct. 27th and Oct 30th in Rockwall. We still have room if you wish to attend. It will be a lot of fun and as always, very informative. Please email me for more information.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Lots of Stuff
Camp Lansdale was an incredible camp. That was not because I was there, but for the level of the other instructors. I started my session off by telling everyone that "I suck, " so that lets you know that there were some great instructors.
I cannot say enough how impressed I am with Sifu Brandon Jones and his skills in Seven Start Praying Mantis. I have never been a real fan of traditional martial arts, however, I like this system and Sifu Jones. He is an incredible teacher and shows what his system is really about. I wish that I had more time so that I could head to Tyler to train with him on a regular basis. I think that if you live in the Tyler area, you would be well served to visit him.
What can I say about Joe Lansdale and his crew? They are some of the most incredible warriors that I know. I hope to one day have a quarter of their skill and knowledge. Coy Harry was named a Grandmaster in Shen Chuan and that is really great for the Shen Chuan System. Coy is incredible at pretty much everything he attempts. Coy is a sponge and can see a technique and pretty much use it for real immediately. Billy Jack Worsham is the Soke Dai to the system now. Having grown in my training with Billy Jack as my partner, it is truly an honor to have him beat me senseless every time I visit Nacogdoches. There was a lot of video shot at this seminar. I will try to get a clip or two to put on the site. Joe has to be seen to be believed. He is a consummate student of martial arts. He lives and breaths training and the history of the arts. It is an incredible experience to see and feel what he has to teach. When I say feel it, I mean it. Unless you are on the receiving end, it is hard to understand.
The kettlebell group workout continues to grow. We had two out on a trip and two more in to replace them. It is really fun to have a dedicated and motivated bunch of people to train with on a regular basis. Thankfully we are spreading out a little from our regular core group. It is always nice to have fresh faces and thought. Since this is my first group in a year and there are a lot of kettlebell newbies we are running the group through the program minimum. We have hit swings the last two workouts and will add the Get-Up this next week. Everyone seemed excited, they just don't know what is in store for them next time.
I took the week off from my own training. I felt pretty beat down and just exhausted. I ended up pretty sick this week and decided it was time for a back off week. I was also on some antibiotics that can affect the tendons and it caused my elbow to hurt. I am hitting the kettlebells again starting tomorrow with swings, swings and more swings. I am going to follow the Enter the Kettlebell program for a while longer. I am moving up to the 32kg however. I will also continue to correct my press faults.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
How Tough Are you?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
quick training info
I will teaching a Women's Self Defense Seminar on October 27 and October 30th from 7-9pm. It will be held at Chandler's Landing Yacht Club in Rockwall. It is being held over two nights as there is a lot of information to share. I will be teaching the Mental, emotional and physical aspects of Self Defense. It will be a great class. Cost will be $55.00 for non-Chandler's Residents. Please call or email me for info.
I will be posting info on Camp Lansdale 12 in the next day or so. It was a great weekend and everyone had a lot of phone. I know that I learned a lot of good stuff that I will be working on over the next few months.
I have had a busy week and will get some photos up as well as a really inspirational story this week. We will be putting our own videos up on the blog in the near future, possible some this week. All it takes is more time in the day to get it all done.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Group Training
I am really working on swings these days. swings will fix what ails you! I have also been working a lot of joint mobility. I really learned what areas needed some love. I am probably doing 30 minutes a day of joint work for myself. I also incorporate it into my children's classes.
The workout tonight was pretty intense. I am really working on the hike pass and exploding from the bottom. I did 12 sets of swings 10 left and 10 right. My active rest time was 30 seconds. I really started feeling it around set 9. I am shooting for 20 sets and will then switch to a heavier bell.
I am also working to fix my military press form with some Grease the Groove. I am doing a rep or two throughout the day. I am only working on my form and not weight. I have also been working on Naked MP's and just working out the pathway and lat activation.
Only a few more days until Camp Lansdale. If you are in the East Texas area, this is well worth attending. some real world self defense from an incredible group of instructors, Joe Lansdale, Brandon Jones, Billy Jack Worsham, Coy Harry and Eugene Frizzell. If you like Arnis, Eugene is incredible. He is a great teacher with a wealth of knowledge.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Camp Lansdale 12
CAMP LANSDALE 12 is just around the corner, and we are gearing up for what will be one of the best ones yet. CAMP LANSDALE is geared to practical self-defense. Not sport. Not full-contact combat. But a jam-packed weekend of realistic self-defense.
This years Camp will spotlight Shen Chuan and its formidable Self Defense aspects. Each instructor will bring to the table their unique flavor and application of Shen Chuan, from Professor Lansdale, Grandmaster and Founder of Shen Chuan to this year's Headlining Guest, SHIHAN PAUL BRITT of Britt's Self-Defense Systems in Rockwall, Texas.Returning special guests will include GURU MIKE CASTO of the Sikal System, our close and personal friend who spent time with us to cross-train and become an instructor in our system.
Also returning As a Headlining Guest this year, SIFU BRANDON JONES is a 26 year veteran of the Seven Star Praying Mantis System and has owned and operated Tyler Kung Fu & Fitness for the last twelve years.
Returning Special Guests will also include SIFU MICHAEL BILLINGS of American Kenpo Karate. Those of you who have been to our Camps in the past will know Sifu Billings and his outstanding abilities.
Rounding out the instruction will be slots instructed by Professors' Eugene Frizzell, Coy Harry and Billy Jack Worsham and Senseis' Adam Coats and Larry "Doc" Laurich in the mix.A Tentative schedule can be viewed here.
WHEN: First full weekend in October (Friday October 3rd thru Sunday October 5th)
HOW MUCH: $75.00 for all three days if you preregister/prepay online, or $100.00 at the door.
WHERE: This years camp will take place at Lansdale's Self-Defense Systems dojo at 2820 South East Stalling Drive in Nacogdoches, Texas. Our phone number is 936.569.1426 / Fax number is 936.569.2511 and email is
WHO CAN ATTEND: Anyone fifteen years or older with signed permission from Parent or Guardian if under eighteen.
HOTELS: For a map of area hotel / motels in Nacogdoches, go to this page: Hotel Map
Nacogdoches Chamber of Commerce "lodgings" page (hotel phone numbers)
Tentative Schedule
Friday Night:
6:00-7:00pm: Guru Mike Casto
7:00-8:00pm: Senior Instructor, Sensei Adam Coats.
8:00-9:00pm: Sensei Larry "Doc" Laurich.
9:00-10:30am: Sifu Brandon Jones.
10:30-NOON: Grandmaster Joe Lansdale.
NOON-1:00pm: LUNCH
1:00-2:30pm: Shihan Paul Britt.
2:30-3:30pm: Grandmaster Joe Lansdale.
3:30-4:30pm: Sifu Brandon Jones.
4:30-5:30pm: Sifu Michael Billings.
7:00pm: Dinner/Plans are being made so that we can all have dinner together. More information to be revealed closer to camp.
9:00-10:00am: Shihan Paul Britt.
10:00-11:00am: Grandmaster Joe Lansdale.
11:00-12:00am: Professor Billy Jack Worsham.
NOON-1:00pm: LUNCH.
1:00-2:00pm: Sifu Brandon Jones.
2:00-3:00pm: Soke Dai Coy Harry.
3:00-4:00pm: Professor Eugene Frizzell.
Final Words and Photo's
Friday, September 26, 2008
Group Workout
It has been a pretty good week training wise. There has been a change in the getup and I am trying to perfect it. No worries about it as it might change again soon. That is what is so great about RKC and Hardstyle. It is constantly evolving and improving. But, it does not change just to change. It changes because of the research of Pavel and others. the changes always follow the core principles of RKC. Those principles are sound and they are effective.
My training this week has followed the Right of Passage. I have been performing swings and get ups. I deviated some and hit 10 sets of 10 each arm with a 30 second rest between sets. I really fine tuned my swings at the RKC and love how they feel.
The Get Up has helped me fix some lockout issues. I have lost a lot of flexibility and developed the habit of not locking my elbows. What I like about the new Get up Progression has really helped that problem. I performed 5 minutes of Get Ups. After my swings, I worked on a ladder of Clean and Press to help reconnect my lat to my press. It makes such a difference when you do it correctly and there is no leakage.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Home From the RKC

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Final Prep
Last night, I went to do 5 minutes of Get-Ups. I started pretty strong and went for quite a while. My goal was five minutes. After I realized that there were at least three different songs and lots of commercials on the radio, I realized my Gymboss had quit working. Oh well, as near as I could figure, I did about 10 minutes of Get-Ups. I was using the 24kg and got into a good rhythm. I was a little tired today, but not bad at all.
I am going to set up a few workshops sometime in mid-October and early November. I will have more info coming after this next week.
Not to make any light of Hurricane Ike. I have a lot of family and friends in Houston and Nacogdoches. Both area were hit hard. My parents are in Nacogdoches and running a generator to have some power. Hopefully everyone will continue to work together to get things up and running pretty quickly.
It takes all kinds...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Rethinking Ballistics
As I prepare for the RKC I have been performing a lot of snatches. Last night's workout was 5 x 10 l/r with the 24kg. I took 1 minute between sets and performed active recovery. I was tired at the end, but energized. I have noticed a change in my body composition in about 2 weeks after following 3 x 3's for a month. I feel better for the most part and have seen some extra "stuff" melt away.
I am glad to be doing more ballistics and lots of high reps. I am getting to the point in my life where I can't/don't want to keep up the big weights like a 20 year old. I realize that I don't have to. I think that with age and experience, we learn to cheat a little better. In rereading the RKC manual, I see that there is so much study that says that we do not have to push for inhuman levels to live a good, healthy long life. Look at Jack Lalanne and Pavel's dad. Both are older than the norm in the fitness world, but still going strong.
Probably enough for now. Time to go put up stuff in preparation for Ike.
Tazer Crazy!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
RKC Snatch Test
This is a really busy month for me. We have started a lot of new schools already and I have been performing a lot of Demos. I love doing demo's but they are usually 2-3 hours of straight running, jumping and throwing. I will be slowing down the week before the RKC so that should help me hit my numbers.
I have had to pretty much back off of my workout plan to attempt the Beast Challenge. I was pretty close to hitting the exercises and if I feel froggy, I still might "jump." My workouts are consisting of swings or snatches one day and Get-ups the next with one day off afterwards. I hit 5 mins with the 32kg the other day. Tomorrow is my get up day and I will be going for sets of 10 snatches with the 32kg on my next snatch day.
Not a kettlebell video, but real talent and passion. I think they are incredible.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Running Out of Time
Great tutorial on how to perform a renegade row.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I love Mythbusters
I love the show Mythbusters. They are pretty squared away. They did a pretty neat job with the second picture.
I have not touched the kettlebell since Wednesday. I am trying to see how badly I messed myself up. I am hoping it is an oblique strain/pull versus something worse like a hernia still. I had to cancel some personal training this AM in an attempt to rest. I am going to start swings and snatches tomorrow or Monday. I have to be able to pass the snatch test, so that will be my focus. If it is something worse than an oblique, it will have to wait until the second week of October due to training commitments.
Friday, August 29, 2008
RKC in September
I do not think that it well affect me for snatches and lighter weights at the RKC. I am thinking that there is no need for me to be pushing massive weights anymore. I will try to keep up the ability to press the 88 so that I can attend the RKCII in June, but i do not think that I will be doing the Beast.
More stuff from Scientific Wrestling
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Olympics fatigue
I decided to see where I was on snatches tonight. I am a little off from where I need to be. I still have three weeks or so to get them up to the 60's. I should be able to get them up there and still work towards the Beast Challenge. If I am close at the RKC I will probably go for it and hope the adrenalin pushes me over.
Here is Jason C Brown showing how to do a Turkish Get Up.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Is age an issue?
The age does make things harder at times. I cannot train as intensely or ignorantly as I did back in the day. My body does not recuperate as well any more. Sometimes I think that it because I trained like moron when I was younger and damaged myself. The scar tissue and repetitive injuries mount up over the years. I am grateful to have found Pavel and Kettlebells when I did. It was better late than never for me. While I can't go back and fix all of the problems that I created, I can move forward and mitigate the resulting weaknesses.
As we age, we gain knowledge and experience that lead us down a better path. I think back to all the crazy stuff that I used to do, poor form and technique with massive weights that did more harm than good. The staying out late and still training like a mad man without proper nutrition or rest.
I have learned proper techniques through kettlebells, better nutrition, better recuperation strategies and most important moderation of the insanity. That does not mean I do not train heavy and hard, I still do. I just try to train so that I am ready to use that strength and skill against the younger guys at anytime.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Just Plain Funny
I came across this before my workout. It is hilarious.
Just got back from the garage on another hot night. I am still working on a rotation of Heavy, medium and light for the press, pullup and pistol. It was a pretty good nigth, but had a little trouble with the pistol. It is by far my weakest exercise. I have hit the 32kg on it since starting this program, but it is a long way from the 106lb kettlebell.
While I am doing this program for a specific reason, I really feel better on a higher rep program. I just do not feel like I am working as much as I need to even doing a 6 day program with three days of tabata in the mix. That is not to mention running sports classes with the kids all day. I guess we will see how it works when I finally press and pistol the Beast.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Family Fun
We had a great workout last night. It was family time around the old tire. I had the two 8 year olds wanting to workout with me, so off we went. We beat the tire last night, me with the sledge, the kids with arnis. I was on the 20/10 split and they took turns on my 10 second rests. They both said that they had a great time and I know that I did. It is really great to be able to spend time with family in non-traditional activities that encourage fitness. This is especially important after reading that in the near future all Americans are expected to be overweight. The time to fix that is now, by involving the children. It is something that we focus on at home and with Amazing Athletes. I really believe that we need to focus on the fitness and health of children if we want to make a difference in the future. I take every opportunity to involve the kids in physical activities. Even if we are headed to get ice cream, which we did last night, there has to be an exchange. I told them that we needed to take scooters or their bikes to make the trip. It is not far from the house and they enjoyed the trip and felt great about the reward.
We continued the training this morning with kettlebells and pullups. I am working on a Beast Challenge plan in anticipation of the RKC where I hope to be an assistant instructor. I had the neighbor and our boy in the garage with me. They were doing pullups and trying to pick up a kettlebell from the floor. We worked on proper form for a deadlifts and they did a really nice job for a couple of reps before it was off on scooters to see the world.
All they need to have is a positive model to emulate and it will sink in.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Lost a week of writing and Cool Knockout
I have posted people doing "cheese whiz" knockouts where they were not even touching the person. This clip is a realistic use of pressure points and light force knockouts that can be transferred to a self defense use. They do work, as I have been knocked out numerous times with them. Some people will say that you expect it and it becomes reality. The science behind it is that you are striking the body in ways that it is not geared to defend itself, while sending the force to the hypothalamus. The body is prepared to take blows from the front, sides and somewhat from behind if the strike is picked up. It is harder to defend from the oblique angles like a 45 degree angle. When striking from those angles, the force seems to have a clear path to the center of the brain, allowing the computer to experience a short shut down. In combat, all you need is a micro second to prevail or lose. While I do not depend on the knockout, I do shoot for fractions of a second that will add up and give me time to achieve a position of dominance.
I do not know what happened, but none of my posts for the last week ever made it to the blog. I was really busy and on the run, so I messed up somewhere. I am currently working on a Beast Challenge program that focuses on Military Press, Pistol and Pullup. I am working on a heavy, medium and light day for each exercise on a three day cycle. the other days are set as variety. I did tabata sledge hammer one day, three hours of martial arts the next and will be hitting heavy snatches on my next variety day.
Monday, July 28, 2008
More stuff you don't need
I came across this knife recently. One more gizmo that does not make that much since. It is a knife that holds a compressed gas cartridge that you trigger after it is in the body. There are so many things wrong with the idea that I do not know where to begin.
To start off with it looks bad to the legal system. A regular knife was not enough? You had to get one that would destroy organs etc? That shows a little more than the desire for self-defense. It is also more complicated to use than the everyday blade. Edged weapons are simple and easy tools. if you touch something with the sharp part it cuts. With this tool you are having to push buttons in the middle of an attack. It also has to be thicker than a regular blade and it appeared to be difficult to puncture the watermelon. Basically, not something I would waste any money on.
It has been tagged as a "scary" knife on the internet. I do not think that it is something you would have to worry about coming across any on the street.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Scientific Wrestling
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Good Week
My hand is finally healing up pretty well. I performed double swings this week instead of Snatches. I wanted to work on the hip snap power developed by doubles. I am hoping it might help for my next workout phase, which will be a real run at the 106 for the Beast Challenge. I know I can do the pullup, but everything else is in the air. My press and my pistol still need work. I have a pretty good workout template that Jeff Neupert Sr. RKC posted recently on Dragondoor.
I am looking at holding a Kettlebell workshop in the near future. I am looking towards the end of August or first week or so in September. I would like to get out of the 104 temps we are seeing now. It will be a standard level 1 workshop with some kettlebell for combatives after the main portion. That is unless I get a bunch of people that want combatives training.
Neo Tribe Kali and Guro Jeff are a pretty neat find that I made this past week or so. I have not trained with this group yet but came across some clips of their material on the internet. I really like what Guro Jeff has put together in teaching kerambit skills. If you watch what he does, he really knows what he is doing. They have a link to the clips on their site. I recommend checking them out. I will be ordering their DVDs pretty soon and will see about hooking up for some training in the future. I would love to do it sooner than later, but it is a busy time for me with Camp Lansdale, RKC and Amazing Athletes.
Fight of the Week
When Bears Fight Bears - Watch more free videos
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Links in a chain
This time it is not a serious injury. I ripped a callous off about two weeks ago and have continued to train. I have been taping my hand, along with liquid bandage, to be able to work out. The first injury changed my grip and put the stress of ballistics on a different part of my hand. There goes another blister/callous ripped off doing snatches. It it right in the center of my palm. I made the mistake of putting liquid bandage on it right after it happened. It hurt more doing that then working out with the injury. I let out a few dirty words after that. I did modify my workout after doing it. I did swings for my last set of ballistics.
I am looking at a late August or early September in the Dallas/Rockwall area. If interested let me know, I have not set it up yet but would like an idea of participation or what people would like to work on.
Joint Mobility
Snatch 3 x 10 l/r 1 x 10 swing
Pullups 4 x 5 w/kb
Windmills 4 x 5
Squats 4 x 5
Floor press 4 x 5
Relax into stretch.
Ross always has great stuff. This is a great addition to your training. Right now, it would kill my hand though.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Long week
A friend of mine is starting a martial arts training group and he mentioned the Spartan style training that I enjoy. I am not sure that I enjoy it as much as I used to when I was a lot younger. I am not a sissy yet, but getting out of the hot garage into the cool A/C does not sound half bad.
I really like training in the garage or outside. I try to train in as close to "normal" conditions as possible. Normal means those that I would be facing in a real world event, encounter or whatever. I think that is what separates kettlebell, tire, sandbags and the like user from a regular gym rat. we are using some tools that require us to be outside, I can't keep an 800lb tire in the house, ( I asked). We train in the environment that we will have to utilize our skills in as, such as Law Enforcement, Combatives, fire fighting etc.
There have been so many studies that show the more realistic your training, the more it will serve you in times of trouble. Spartan Training does not have to mean the "300" Workout. It should mean real world training in a real world environment. That is where the Spartans excelled. Their training was as close to combat as possible at the time. Everything they did was to further their skills and abilities when they needed them.
Workouts this week.
I did not increase my sets this week. I felt a little rundown and was nursing my hand still.
2 hand swing
snatch 3 x 10 l/r
Pullups w/weight 3 x 5
Windmill 3 x 5
Squat 3 x 5
Floor Press 3 x 5.
I did this both days this week, with my third workout on Saturday.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Yesterday's workout - Hand still raw
Swings 3 x 10 l/r
Pullups with 24kg 3 x 5
Windmill 3 x 5
Double Squats 3 x 5
Double Floor Press 3 x 5
Hand was sore so I did not snatch.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I am headed to the RKC to recert. I am looking forward to it. It is a great weekend and I always learn something earth shattering. The RKC changed the course of my life the first time. It put me on the new path away from full time law enforcement and into the fitness world. What a great change. I have more energy and time for my family.
Swing 1 x 10
Snatch 3 x 10 l/r w 32kg
PU 3 x 5 w/24kg
WM 3 x 3 w/32kg
Double squat 3 x 5 w/32
double Floor Press 3 x 5 w/32kg
This is just cool! It is David Whitley RKC
This is a great DVD. that is available at Scientific Wrestling
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Long weekend
I ended up being pretty over trained last week. It was a long week for Amazing Athletes and I also hit my workouts. I took the weekend off to recuperate. I feel pretty good this week. In an effort to be ready for the RKC recert, I started snatching again. I figure if I can hit my numbers with the 32kg It will be an easy weekend in some respects. It was almost 100 today and the training wore me out.
Joint Mobility
Snatch 3 x 10 l/r w/32kg
Pullups 3 x 5 w/24
Windmill 3 x 3 with 32
Double Squats 3 x 5 w/32's
Double Floor Press w/32kgs
Relax into stretch.
Here is a clip of Mark Shultz in an interview. He has the right attitude. One of the greatest wrestlers of all time.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sandbag Training by Josh Henkin
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Training and some inspiration
I was in a discussion on Dragondoor about training for Law Enforcement. I used to be of the belief that bigger was always better in fighting and Officer Presence. Over the years, I learned that this was not always true. Being big is great, I worked with someone that was 6'4 and almost 300lbs and he never had to fight anyone. But if you are not naturally big already, you almost fight your own body the bigger you get. I was over 200lbs at 5'7. i was leg pressing over 1000 lbs for reps and using big weights for everything. The problem was that I was always tired and sore. I was also really stiff. That was also a lot of weight to carry trying to chase people or go any length of time in a combative situation.
Then I found the kettlebell and RKC. What a difference it has made. I found exercises that work with natural movements and lots of carry over to everyday life. There is something about that cannonball with a handle that fit my personality and path perfectly. It opened my eyes to the world of exercise with a real world use. Kettlebells are a path to followto reach your highest capacity.
Joint Mobility - need to expand
Halos 2 x 10 l/r
Swings 4 x 10 l/r
Pullups 4 x 5
Keg press 3 x 5 1 x4
pistols with KB 4 x 3
Janda 4 x 5
tire flips about 150 feet.
on Thursday I did keg squats and used the slosh pipe instead of tire flips.
I have posted about Dustin Carter before. This is from his last tournament. He is truly an inspiration.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
This is yesterdays training. I did not get done until almost 11pm and was did not feel like getting on the computer.
Joint Mobility
Halo's 3 x 10 l/r
Swings 4 x 10 l/r
Pullups 4 x 5
Keg press 4 sets 1 x 3, 2 x 5 , 1 x 1 I overfilled the keg for this week and it is at 100lbs. so i missed some reps
Pistols 4 x 3
Jandas 4 x 5
Tire flips
Relax into Stretch. Overall it was a good workout. I knew the keg was heavier than I meant for it to be.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Great Video of how Kettlebells fit Combatives
I came across this video on Kettlebell Athletics. This is a great example of what I preach to my training group. Kettlebells and Combatives go together like peanut butter and jelly. There are so many areas that they improve skills and abilities.
Joint Mobility
Swings 3 x 10 l/r
Pullups 3 x 5
Keg Press 3 x 5
Keg squat 3 x 5
Janda 3 x 5
Tire flips
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Back to training
I am going back to my five pillars program with the addition of an endurance set at the end. I really think that this is what my body needs versus a lot of high rep endurance.
I am adding more weight to the keg every week as I feel more comfortable with it. It is pretty interesting to push the keg overhead as the water shifts. The tire flips across the yard really smoked me and I already want a heavier one.
Joint mobility
swings 5 x 10 l,r w/32kg
Pullups 3 x 5
keg press 3 x 5 1/2full
pistols 3 x 3 w/16kg
janda 3 x 5
tire flip across back yard
Here is a little Dog Brother's action. I am a little old to be participating, but can still appreciate it. We have started up a little arnis training again with my good friend Darren Dailey taking the lead.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Long Time Between Posts
The Combatives training has gone really well. All of the people in the group have moved up in ranks and abilities. Everyone has really improved greatly.
Today's workout
Joint Mobility
swings 20 sec on/10 sec off for 8 cycles w/32kg
keg clean and press 3 x 5
keg bear hug squats 3 x 5
Relax Into Stretch
Pretty good workout. Felt pretty strong.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Well worth watching the entire clip
Watching this video, I see all of the Joint Mobility Drills from Pavel, Maxwell and Sonnen in action. This was the coolest movement video I have ever seen.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Pretty Neat
Not to often that you get good tape of something like this. I have heard of it happening, but never saw it for real.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
It seemed like a good idea at the time!
I thought it would be cool to do some hand to hand work this weekend. I figured since I have been using the 106, the 88 would be a light workout.
The first exercise was kettlebell flip swings. The first couple left some large craters in the ground. I did start to get the hang of it. the next exercise was the hand to hand clean. The initial snap was pretty good, but catching the 88 in my open palm was a little struggle to say the least. I was able to hit three sets of three that looked reasonably clean. Once again, the holes got deeper in my yard during the "learning phase." I did three sets of figure 8's for 10 reps. I then hit the clean and Military press for singles. I performed 7 sets of singles for both left and right.
It was nice to change up the workout for a day. I still feel that I got a pretty good workout on. I though that there would be more carry over from the floor press to the military press, but I am pretty much in the same place as I was before.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I like short intense workouts
I really need to get a tire. I think that will be a great addition to my equipment list.
2 hand Swings 2 x 10 w/106
1 hand swings 4 x 10 w/106
explosive cleans 4 x 3 w/106
floor press 4 x 5 w/88
pistols 4 x 3 w/35
Jandas 4 x 5
The pistols have improved greatly. I think that it is due to having a counter weight. I hope to get three days of 4 sets this week.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Saturday Fun
This video has circulated for years. I think that I first saw it in the Police Academy a long time ago. It is is a pretty good visual for being better to be luck than good. The bad guy could have been really dangerous and come out with a weapon. that is something that you have to think about when intervening in the defense of others. The blow is so telegraphed, that a bad guy that was not out of his mind with anger and whatever the drug of the day is, might have been caught with it. But it is always good to see what a brachial stun does when it is applied.
I saw a pathetic breaking demonstration recently in Lufkin. The "show" was pointless and the people missed about half their breaks. I do not get into breaking as it does not fit with the fluidity of Shen Chuan striking. I guess if this had been the show, it might not have been as bad.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Beast
2 hand swings 2 x 10 w/106
1 hand swings 3 x 10 l/r w/106
explosive cleans(from the ground) 3 x 3 w/106
floor press 3 x 3 w/88
pistols 3 x 3 w/35
jandas 3 x 5
I worked Relax into Stretch afterwards, but can feel the beating.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
New Batman trailer
'The Dark Knight' Trailer
Here is the newest trailer for the next Batman. Batman was my favorite superhero from the early days, (4 and 5). After watching this clip, I can see how it might have caused some nightmares for Heath Ledger.
This last week was an off week/active rest period for me. I pretty much ate badly and worked out very little. Tomorrow starts the new 6 week training period. I am going to continue going heavy and start using the 106 for swings at least. i am going to start hitting cleans with it as well.
I think that I will be on a 5 day plan for workouts, starting at 3 sets and working to 5.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Never underestimate the unseen strike. The upper cut is a great tool as it requires good hip movement to execute. It is also often not seen by the opponent as it comes from below, contouring the body.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Family Fun
There is nothing like getting the entire family on the exercise kick. I think that it is great that even the little boy wants to get into the fun. I think that one of the reasons that I really like training this way now is that it is pretty fun. There are so many things that you can do to add variety in your training. Heck, with ths style of training almost every rep is different.
There is such a great carryover from training like this versus standard "Gym" workouts. I really fell that I am able to deliver more power on demand than I was benching 400lbs. I also really feel better now than I did at 35 when I was pushing massive weights. Part of it is the fact that I am not pushing a weight in a strict plane. There is involvement of my entire muscle system. For my purposes, there is a ten fold benefit of kettlebell swings over bench press and curls any day. I am not working in isolation, but as one unit.